Jalang'o: Trying to oust Raila as Nyanza leader is pipe dream

Says during their meetings with Ruto, no one has ever talked about ousting Raila.

In Summary

• He said people from the region only listen to God and the former Prime Minister.

• The Lang'ata MP is among seven legislators from the Nyanza region who have opted to go against the Opposition leader to work with President William Ruto.

Media personality Felix Odiwour aka Jalang'o
Media personality Felix Odiwour aka Jalang'o

Lang'ata MP Phelix Odiwuor alias Jalang'o has refuted claims that the rebel ODM MPs plan to oust Azimio leader Raila Odinga as the Nyanza kingpin.

Speaking on Monday, Jalang'o said anyone thinking of doing it is only daydreaming.

He said people from the region only listen to God and the former Prime Minister.

"Kujaribu na kuwa na dhana kuwa unaweza kumtoa Raila Odinga kitini na alivyoshikilia eneo la Nyanza ni ndoto ya mchana. Upande wa Nyanza wanawasikiza watu wawili tu. Mungu na Baba. Hatujaenda kujaribu kumtoa," he said.

The Lang'ata MP is among seven legislators from the Nyanza region who have opted to rebel against the Opposition leader to work with President William Ruto.

The other MPs are Gideon Ochanda (Bondo), Caroli Omondi (Suba South), Elisha Odhiambo (Gem) Mark Nyamita (Uriri), Paul Abuor (Rongo) and Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda. 

In the interview with NTV, Jalang'o explained that their working relationship with Ruto is to bring development to their constituents.

He said during their meetings with Ruto, no one has ever talked about ousting Raila, as their conversations mostly revolve around the projects they want to actualise to make their constituencies better.

"Wote wakiwa pale wanaomba tu maendeleo (When they are all there, they only ask for development)," Jalang'o said.

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