Nyanza residents urged to welcome Ruto during Saturday visit

President Ruto will tour and launch some development projects in Homa Bay.

In Summary
  • The ceremony which will be attended by President William Ruto as the chief guest will take place at Oriwo Boys High School in Karachuonyo constituency.
  • The family spokesman Hesbon Omollo said they have sent invitations to different people including politicians from opposition side.
Security officers in Homa Bay led by Moses Lilan, Samson Kinne and at Oriwo Boys in Karachuonyo constituency on July 11,2023n
Security officers in Homa Bay led by Moses Lilan, Samson Kinne and at Oriwo Boys in Karachuonyo constituency on July 11,2023n

Political leaders from the opposition have been invited to attend the thanksgiving ceremony of Principal Secretary for Interior and National Administration Raymond Omollo.

The ceremony which will be attended by President William Ruto as the chief guest will take place at Oriwo Boys High School in Karachuonyo constituency.

The family spokesman Hesbon Omollo said they have sent invitations to different people including politicians from opposition side.

Nyanza residents have been supporting ODM leader Raila Odinga as majority overwhelmingly vote for his presidential candidature.   

“The ceremony is about people converging together. We welcome everybody to attend including opposition leaders,” Omollo said.

Presence of Azimio politicians at the meeting can however be seen as a sign of betrayal to ODM leader Raila especially at this time when the opposition has intensified his war against President Ruto’s administration.

When President Ruto visited Homa Bay after his swearing in on October 2, 2022 for a prayer service at AIC Church, leaders from the ODM led by Governor Gladys Wanga failed to attend the meeting.

Ruto visited Homa Bay for a second time in January when he launched the construction of affordable houses.

On Tuesday, Homa Bay county security teams including county commissioner Moses Lilan, police commander Samson Kinne and others were at Oriwo Boys to assess ground ahead of the president’s visit.

Workers were busy putting up dorm tents where guests will sit.

 Omollo said the meeting will start at 8 am and will include a church service.

“Leaders will be given a chance to deliver speeches mostly to thank God and President Ruto for appointing Omollo as PS for Interior,” he added.

Omollo described the event as significant saying it comes at a time when a principal secretary from a powerful docket (interior) is chosen from Homa Bay.

After the thanksgiving service, President Ruto will tour and launch some development projects in Homa Bay including road construction.

Homa Bay county commissioner Moses Lilan and Hesbon Omollo at Oriwo Boys High School ground where President Ruto will attend in Karachuonyo constituency on July 11,2023
Homa Bay county commissioner Moses Lilan and Hesbon Omollo at Oriwo Boys High School ground where President Ruto will attend in Karachuonyo constituency on July 11,2023

“Let’s turn up, welcome and support Ruto because he is already a president. We are all taxpayers and if the government embraces you in terms of development, it is good to reciprocate,” Omollo said.

Residents were asked remain peaceful as UDA supporters such as Collins Kadweya, John Kisiara and Melida Auma expressed hope that President Ruto’s tour will promote development.

The head of state is expected to launch the construction of Mbita- Sindo- Magunga- Sori road and Rusing ring road which connects fishing villages and the market. 

Kadweya said they expect the president to talk about other development projects.

Tents are set up at Oriwo Boys where President Ruto will attend on July 11,2023
Tents are set up at Oriwo Boys where President Ruto will attend on July 11,2023

They asked Homa Bay residents not to participate in street protests to promote the economy of the county.

“Businesses should remain open to support economic growth," Auma said. 

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