IPOA probes alleged police use of live bullets during Azimio demos

"Authority will examine the circumstances under which the firearm was used."

In Summary

• Human rights commission KNCHR on Thursday said at least nine people lost their lives during the demonstrations.

• According to KNCHR four people were killed in Mlolongo while Kitengela, Emali, Sondu and Migori reported one death each.

IPOA chair Ann Makori during a past event in Nairobi.
IPOA chair Ann Makori during a past event in Nairobi.

The Independent Police Oversight Authority (IPOA) has commenced a probe into allegations that police used live bullets during Wednesday’s anti-government demonstrations.

IPOA chair Ann Makori who confirmed that Rapid Response Teams have been dispatched to probe the claims says law enforcement officers are only justified to use lethal force when their lives are in danger.

"Police use of force is covered under the Sixth Schedule of the NPS Act. The Act outlines circumstances under which officers can use force.

"It allows them to use their firearm when their lives are in danger; where the lives of other Kenyans are in danger,’’ Makori said on Thursday in an interview with the Star.

Makori said the authority will examine the circumstances under which the firearm was used and confirm whether the lives of the police officers themselves were in danger or not.

"The law says the force should be proportionate to the circumstances in which the law enforcers find themselves. We will analyze all these circumstances."

Human rights commission KNCHR on Thursday said at least nine people lost their lives during the demonstrations.

According to KNCHR, four people were killed in Mlolongo while Kitengela, Emali, Sondu, and Migori reported one death each.

"The Constitution dictates that an individual’s right to life must be upheld. One life lost is too many. Every life lost represents someone’s spouse, child, parent, friend, neighbor, or colleague," KNCHR said in a statement.

Human rights groups including KHRC, Haki Africa, and MUHURI have accused police officers of using excessive force during the demos that left scores of protesters injured.

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