It is time to call in the law - Mudavadi says on Azimio demos

He says Azimio is out to distract state from focus on economic transformation.

In Summary

• He insisted that it is Azimio leaders who are responsible for the chaos witnessed on Wednesday, and that the law should take its course.

• He regretted that billions of shillings are lost every time the opposition calls a demonstration.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has condemned protests by Azimio la Umoja saying it is intended at distracting the government from working towards fixing the country's economy.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi
Image: PCSP

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has condemned protests by Azimio la Umoja saying it is intended at distracting the government from working towards fixing the country's economy.

According to Mudavadi, the protests will only amount to anarchy and economic sabotage.

He insisted that it is Azimio leaders who are responsible for the chaos witnessed on Wednesday and that the law should take its course.

“It is time to call in the law. The Azimio leaders are responsible for leading riots under the guise of peaceful demonstrations that have resulted in wanton destruction of property and loss of lives,” Mudavadi said.

He regretted that billions of shillings are lost every time the opposition calls a demonstration.

Mudavadi said any acts of civil disobedience should not be tolerated in a democratic country, adding that Azimio will not intimidate the government.

The PCS said he has personally worked with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and he proved to be a dishonest leader politically.

“You cannot be the same person after every five years when you lose elections you seek avenues to subject a legitimate government into submission. Mambo ya nusu mkate ndio Azimio inatafuta (Azimio is seeking a coalition Government),” Mudavadi said in Kwale.

He noted that despite picketing being a constitutional right, loss of life and destruction of property is not part of what is provided for under the constitution and rule of law.

The PCS said the chain reaction from what Azimio is perceiving as protests will be destructive, calling on their leaders to reconcile themselves with the reality that Ruto won the August 2022 elections.

“We need to be honest when we seek dialogue. When we honestly speak to issues is when we get solutions,” Mudavadi said.

He also accused Azimio of going to the extent of using county governments' resources, which are public funded to subject innocent Kenyans to participate in illegal demonstrations.

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