Ledama: Kenyans are tired of a dysfunctional system

He said every Kenyan is suffering regardless of which political divide they support.

In Summary

•Opposition leader Raila Odinga said Kenyans are tired of fake promises and being ignored.

• At least seven people were killed during the protests in Kenya, as demonstrators took to the streets to protest the high cost of living.

Narok Senator Ole Kina Oledama in attendance at the requim mass of former Vice President Modddy Awori's daughter Marya Adjibodou at Consolata Shrine Church in Westlands on June 14, 2023.
Narok Senator Ole Kina Oledama in attendance at the requim mass of former Vice President Modddy Awori's daughter Marya Adjibodou at Consolata Shrine Church in Westlands on June 14, 2023.
Image: FILE

Narok Senator Ledama Olekina on Wednesday revealed why Kenyans are disappointed with the Kenya Kwanza government.

The ODM leader said that the President William Ruto-led government was not fulfilling the promises he made during the campaign season.

"Just like Kenyans, I’m sick and tired of a dysfunctional system. I want us to practice what we preach. These people do not practice what they preach," Ledama said during the JKL show at Citizen Tv.

The senator further accused the government of not respecting the law, by allowing the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) to announce and implement new fuel prices amid the high cost of living.

Ledama further added that everyone in Kenya is suffering regardless of which political divide they support.

However, he claimed that some of the actions taken by the government were to 'punish' the opposition but in reality, the whole country is suffering.

"It is not only the people in Azimio who are suffering but Kenya as a country is crying," Ledama added.

Earlier in the day, Opposition leader Raila Odinga said Kenyans are tired of fake promises and being ignored.

He said the turnout in the protests showed how tired Kenyans are.

"People have come out even in the most remote parts of the country. The message is out loud and clearly that Kenyans are tired," Raila said.

"People are tired of promises, people are tired of being ignored, tired of going to bed hungry, tired of walking from one office to another," he added.

At least seven people were killed during the protests in Kenya, as demonstrators took to the streets to protest the high cost of living.

Raila also vowed not to bow out of protests until President William Ruto addresses the real issues.

The Opposition chief said that it was not over until the real issues affecting Kenyans are addressed.

Raila said the protests will continue until Ruto looks into the contested Finance Act, 2023.

"There is no moving on until Ruto comes out and openly repeals the Finance Act, 2023 and issues other measures to lower cost of living," he said.

"There is no moving on until Ruto agrees on the importance of bipartisan talks over the constitution of IEBC." 

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