State launches climate summit website

It will inaugurate the registration and accreditation process for both the Africa climate week and summit.

In Summary

• Tuya noted that the summit was going to be a momentous one as it was the first time that Africa looks at the Climate Change Development nexus.

• The CS said the development of the website was made possible with the help of the German government.

Environment CS Soipan Tuya during the launch of the Africa Climate climate summit website on July 17, 2023.
Environment CS Soipan Tuya during the launch of the Africa Climate climate summit website on July 17, 2023.

Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry on Monday launched the Africa Climate climate summit website, social media platforms and registration portal.

The website will inaugurate the registration and accreditation process for both the Africa climate week and the Africa climate summit.

Speaking at the event on Monday, CS Soipan Tuya said the launch was to be done earlier but certain delays occured.

"We should have done this many months ago. The delay was occasioned by the creation of the content to go into the website. This needed to be approved by the African Union Organs," she said.

Tuya noted that the summit was going to be a momentous one as It was the first time that Africa looks at the Climate Change Development nexus.

"It is the first time in the history of Climate Change that a continent anywhere in the world has come together to discuss Climate Change," she said.

She said the Africa Climate Summit in other speak is a Trade and Investment Summit on Climate Change.

"it is not a summit of who has emitted the most greenhouse gases or who continues to emit the most. It is a summit of Africa’s Resources versus the Capital of the rest of the world, and how those two can be synergised to fight Climate Change," she said.

The CS said the development of the website was made possible with the help of the German government.

Tuya also said the summit that is set to be held from September 4 to September 6 is still in a deficit of about 10 million dollars.

She appealed to partners and governments to find an aspect of the summit to support.

"The Summit is still in a deficit of about USD 10Million and any support towards it will be very much appreciated. Feel free to speak to our National Treasury, the PS Environment and Climate Change, PS Eng Ngeno or the Secretariat, on how you could channel this support," Tuya said.

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