My office will protect press freedom - CS Owalo

Urges media to adhere to all mechanisms of self-regulation in their line of work

In Summary

• He noted that the Ministry of ICT has enacted laws to protect the Freedom of Media in accordance with Chapter 34 of the Constitution.

• The CS further assured the media that the government was not after infringing the press freedom. 

TV47's Fred Indimuli, Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka and ICT CS Eliud Owalo during the unveiling of the station's new studios on July 19, 2023.
TV47's Fred Indimuli, Bungoma Governor Kenneth Lusaka and ICT CS Eliud Owalo during the unveiling of the station's new studios on July 19, 2023.

ICT and Digital Economy CS Eliud Owalo has committed to protecting press media.

He noted that the Ministry of ICT has enacted laws to protect the Freedom of Media in accordance with Chapter 34 of the Constitution.

The CS further assured the media that the government was not seeking to infring the press freedom. 

"I want to assure the media that my ministry, my office is committed to supporting and protecting press freedom...From where we sit as a ministry charged with the fundamental mandate of policy formulation, it is not our role as government to infringe the freedom of the media," he said. 

Owalo spoke on Wednesday during the re-launch of Cape Media's TV47. 

He urged the media to adhere to all means and mechanisms of self-regulation as they execute their roles.

"Ensure there is objectively and impartiality with a view to ensuring that all the internal stakeholders we have within that space also enjoy their rights," he added. 

The CS urged all members of the press to ensure that handle their work with responsibility and be mindful of the impact of their work on society.

"Responsible journalism is not only about what you consider to be the fact that you report. It is also about the ethics of considering the consequences of the images that you beam to the public and the passion you feel them up with. What is the end game of your report?" he posed.

He said this will help journalists exercise their mandate responsibly, which will in turn help them retain their credibility and earn public faith.

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