Babu Owino, Gaucho finally presented before court

He has been held for more than 24 hours before his arraignment.

In Summary
  • The MP spent his Wednesday night at Wanguru Police Station in Mwea Kirinyaga County.
  • He was moved to the Nairobi Police area on Thursday morning under tight security.
Embakasi East MP Babu Owino and Calvince Gaucho at Milimani Law Courts on July 20,2023.
Embakasi East MP Babu Owino and Calvince Gaucho at Milimani Law Courts on July 20,2023.

Embakasi MP Babu Owino and Calvin Okoth alias Gaucho have been finally presented to Milimani Law courts.

Owino was arrested on Tuesday evening around 8pm at JKIA.

He was reportedly arrested by Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) officers.

He has been held for more than 24 hours before his arraignment.

The MP spent his Wednesday night at Wanguru Police Station in Mwea Kirinyaga County.

He was moved to the Nairobi Police area on Thursday morning under tight security.

It is not yet known what the MP is being charged with.

Shortly before his arraignment, his supporters were ejected from the court premises where they had gathered.

In a video seen by the Star, the supporters were chanting Owino's name as they were being escorted out. 

"Babu, Babu, Babu," they said.

Earlier, Owino's lawyer Ndegwa Njiru said that they had been denied access to the MP at the Nairobi Police area. 

"I can confirm that my client Babu Owino is held at the police area in Nairobi. The police have refused to allow us access to the police station. They have blocked us even as lawyers," he said.

Before then, Babu Owino's family members are friends stormed Wang'uru police station where they demanded his release.

They attempted to enter the police station but police ordered them to leave.

Women present were heard wailing as others asked why they were being harassed.

"Why are you harassing me in a police station? We were harassed at night and now we want Babu taken to court if he has broken any law," a woman was heard shouting.

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