Kilifi chief officer Rahab Karisa stabbed to death at her home

She was allegedly stabbed by her house help in Mnarani

In Summary
  • According to a private guard, the house help escaped before officers from a private firm arrived for their morning duties.
Chief Officer for Fisheries and Blue Economy in Kilifi County Rahab Karisa at a past event
Chief Officer for Fisheries and Blue Economy in Kilifi County Rahab Karisa at a past event

Chief Officer for Fisheries and Blue Economy in Kilifi County Rahab Karisa is dead.

Rahab was allegedly stabbed to death by her house help in Mnarani, Kilifi County on Thursday morning.

She returned to the country on Wednesday from a trip to Italy.

According to a private guard, the house help escaped before officers from a private firm arrived for their morning duties.

Kilifi County police commander Fatuma Hadi confirmed the incident.

She said police are investigating the murder.

“We don’t know the motive but we will know. We are at the scene,” she said.

Hadi said the body which was found on the floor had stab wounds.

The body has been moved to the Kilifi Hospital Mortuary pending an autopsy.

Police officers processing the scene.
Police officers processing the scene.
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