Detained Raila aides whereabouts unknown on day 2 of protests

Ogeta has been missing since Wednesday morning when he was abducted on his way to work.

In Summary

• Raila spokesman was released on Thursday.

• Azimio circles believe Ogeta is being held at CID headquarters.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga with his bodyguard Maurice Ogeta at State House during a past meeting.
Azimio leader Raila Odinga with his bodyguard Maurice Ogeta at State House during a past meeting.
Image: PSCU

The whereabouts of at least seven aides and leaders allied to Azimio leader Raila Odinga remain unknown almost 48 hours since they were arrested by gunmen believed to be police officers.

Raila’s bodyguard Maurice Ogeta, Embakasi East MP Babu Owino, Kilifi South MP Ken Chonga, Kilifi county assembly speaker Teddy Mwambire and some MCAs and activists, including one Calvin Okoth, alias Gaucho, were arrested on Wednesday. It was the first day of the marathon three-day protest.

National Assembly Minority leader Opiyo Wandayi on Thursday confirmed that only Raila’s spokesman Dennis Onyango had been released.

Ogeta has been missing since Wednesday morning when he was abducted on his way to work.

At press time, there was no word on his whereabouts with Azimio dismissing media reports that he was released.

“We are still trying to track him but we strongly believe he is at DCI. I'm told he has refused to eat,” a high-profile Azimio leader told the Star.

Opposition chief Raila Odinga dismissed media reports that his bodyguard has been released.

"Maurice Ogeta was abducted yesterday July 19, 2023, and has not been released," he said in a video.

Owino was on Wednesday arrested at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on arrival from Mombasa and driven to Wang’uru police station in Kirinyaga county.

On Thursday, the firebrand lawmaker was whisked away from Wang'uru police station in Kirinyaga to an unknown destination.

In a video seen by the Star on Thursday, three cars were seen leaving the police station.

Earlier in the day, family members and friends of Babu Owino stormed Wang'uru police station, demanding his release.

The MP's team attempted to enter the police station but police ordered them to leave.

Police sources who spoke to the Star in confidence said the legislator was not in good shape after he claimed he was tortured in the hands of law enforcers.

“Babu is weak and needs medical attention,” the source said.

Speaking at Parliament Buildings at least eight opposition MPs demanded unconditional release of their colleagues whom they claimed had been detained outside the criminal justice timelines.

The Kenya Constitution requires that one is arraigned in court within 24 hours after arrest.

 Wandayi led the leaders in faulting the police of acting above the law, describing the arrests as ‘detention without trial’.

“Since our colleagues are held beyond the limit provided by the Constitution, we now consider their arrest a detention without trial,” the Ugunja lawmaker said.

Wandayi was accompanied by MPs Sam Atandi (Alego Usonga), Anthony Kibagendi (Kitutu Chache South), Wilberforce Oundo (Funyula), Antony Oluoch (Mathare), Beth Syengo (nominated), Hamida Kibwana (nominated l) and Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga with his bodyguard Maurice Ogeta at State House during a past meeting.
Azimio leader Raila Odinga with his bodyguard Maurice Ogeta at State House during a past meeting.
Image: PSCU
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