Ruto returns to hustlers amidst intensified protests by Azimio

The President vowed not to relent on his stand in dealing with the opposition.

In Summary

• On Monday, President Ruto hosted  Burundi President Evariste Ndayishimiye at State House.

• President Ruto reiterated his commitment to taming impunity,  police brutality and extra-judicial killings in the country.

Ruto enjoys tea with children after launching Murang’a County School Feeding Programme, at Kangari ECD Center, Kigumo,
Ruto enjoys tea with children after launching Murang’a County School Feeding Programme, at Kangari ECD Center, Kigumo,
Image: PCS

President William Ruto had many goodies this week as he went on county tours.

Ruto appeared to be unbothered and undistracted over the three-day anti-government protests that were led by Azimio la Umoja Coalition.

His diary was full in-tray as he traversed at least seven counties; Murang'a, Kericho, Narok, Isiolo, ,Meru, Kisii and Vihiga.

The week began on a high note where last Sunday, July 16, 2023, the President  joined other African Head of State for the Fifth Mid-Year Coordination Meeting (5th MYCM) of the African Union, the Regional Economic Communities, the Regional Mechanisms

The meeting was held at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Headquarters in Nairobi.

On Monday, President Ruto hosted  Burundi President Evariste Ndayishimiye at State House.

He said Kenya and Burundi continue to cooperate across various socio-economic areas including regional security and agriculture.

The following day, Ruto chaired a cabinet meeting where Cabinet approved a radical Bill that will enhance powers of the Financial Reporting Centre (FRC).

The draft Anti-Money Laundering and Combating of Terrorism Financing Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2023, seeks to give FRC sweeping powers to impose sanctions for violations of the proceeds of crime.

On Wednesday, day one of the Opposition demos countrywide, an unbothered President visited two counties; Kericho and Narok.

The President went back to the people with goodies, making promises and asking Kenyans to support his government as he had their interests as first priority.

In Kericho, he commissioned the Sh1.2 billion Kimugu Water Project in Duka Moja, Ainamoi Constituency in Kericho and later headed to Ntulele, Narok East Constituency.

President William Ruto being welcomed in Isiolo on July 20, 2023
President William Ruto being welcomed in Isiolo on July 20, 2023
Image: PCS

On Thursday, Thursday toured Isiolo and Meru counties as the protests entered day two.

Most parts of the country remained relatively calm on the second and third days of the demos with businesses and transport, which were paralysed on Wednesday, returning to normalcy.

The President deployed security officers and mounted ruthless crackdown on the opposition leaders and their supporters, slowing down the street protests that were expected to hit a crescendo this week.

In Isiolo, a tough-talking President warned the Raila Odinga-led coalition against holding protests.

Ruto said that he will not allow the opposition to spoil Kenya through protests.

"Sisi tunaongea kama wakenya na Sauti Moja, tumeambia wapinzani wasiharibu nchi yetu kwa kutumia maandamano," he said.

Ruto further said that the elections were over and the opposition should wait for the next elections to fight him.

"We want to tell our good friends that elections were over and Kenyans elected their leaders. Political wars are fought on the ballot, not in protests," he added.

In Isiolo, he promised to turn the town into a centre of development.

He commissioned the newly constructed Isiolo-Marsabit-Addis Ababa Highway and issued title deeds at Tutua- Ruiri Rwarera Ward in Buuri sub-county in Meru.

On Friday, the President returned to Mt Kenya region in Murang'a county as Raial announced that it would be the grand rally of all mothers.

Ruto vowed he will not relent in his stand in dealing with the opposition.

The Head of State said he was not going to be easy on Azimio leader Raila Odinga like his predecessors. 

"Ndio mimi nawaambia huyo jamaa nitamkalia ngumu mpaka atashangaa," he said.

The President at  Kangari, Murang'a county where he listed five key projects he will set up in the region to create employment opportunities for the residents.  

Ruto said that he intends to create a million jobs through the housing programme for Murang'a residents.

"Tunataka programme ya housing izalishe vijana millioni moja ajira na tumekubaliana ya kwamba ile kazi itapatikana hawa vijana watafanya, ama nyinyi vijana ni wale wa kuchagua jembe?" he posed.

At the same time, President Ruto reiterated his commitment to taming impunity,  police brutality and extra-judicial killings in the country.

He affirmed that the same way he committed that the Kenya Kwanza government will deal with extrajudicial killings is the same way he will ensure there is no impunity.

"Hatutaruhusu askari kuvunja sheria na kuuwa watu kiholela. The same way we said we'll get rid of extra-judicial killings is the same way we are committed to ensuring there is no impunity," Ruto said.

In the evening, President Ruto finalized his Murang's tour by having an evening cup of tea with pupils at Kangari ECDE centre as he launched Murang’a County School Feeding Programme.

The pupils lined up in queues as Ruto himself served them, tea mixed with milk and a banana on the side.

After serving was done, he proceeded to have a seat and take the tea as he interacted with the children.

President William Ruto, Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and Vihiga Governor Wilber Ottichilo in Vihiga on July 22, 2023.
President William Ruto, Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and Vihiga Governor Wilber Ottichilo in Vihiga on July 22, 2023.
Image: PCS

On Saturday, the President headed to Kisii and Vihiga counties.

While in Kisii, the President made a commitment to protect Kenyan children from being misused by a section of leaders to engage in violent protests in the country.

In apparent response to remarks made by Former President Uhuru Kenyatta who vowed to protect his family, Ruto said it is his responsibility to ensure other Kenyan children are well taken care of.

The remarks by Uhuru on Friday came after police raided his son, Jomo Kenyatta, home in Karen, apparently, to conduct a search for weapons.

"I defended Kenya and I did my best for this country. You may have different opinions but according to me. I did the best I could do for my country and I handed over when my time was finished. I will now do my best to defend my family and I won't be intimidated," Uhuru said.

But the President on Saturday, without mentioning names, appeared to blast the former President and the opposition saying they have safeguarded the future of their children but misused those of poor Kenyans by deploying them in protests.

"Watoto wenu hawako kwa Maandamano, wazazi wenu hawako kwa Maandamano, Familia zenu haziko kwa Maandamano. Pesa zenu tuu ndo ziko kwa Maandamano," Ruto said,  barely a week after he accused Uhuru of funding Azimio protests.

On Sunday, the President will attend a church service in Taita Taveta.

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