Karua 'lights candle' from Colombia in solidarity with Azimio

Azimio suspended the earlier planned demos to honour the dead, injured and their families.

In Summary

•Kisii residents took to the streets to remember those who died last week, while in both Kisumu and Homa Bay, the ODM Governors spearheaded the vigils.

•Raila reiterated that they suspended the earlier planned demos to honour the dead, injured and their families.

Candle light
Candle light
Image: Handout

Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua has expressed solidarity with Azimio la Umoja Coalition who on Monday lit candles for those who have been killed during the past protests. 

Karua who is in Columbia on Wednesday saluted compatriots who in different ways have stood in solidarity with the victims.

"From Bogota, I light my candle to express my sympathies and solidarity to victims of unjustifiable use of excessive force to stop the legitimate exercise of dissent," she said in a statement.

Back in Kenya, Azimio leader Raila Odinga started his day by visiting Mama Lucy Hospital in Nairobi's Eastlands area to console victims of alleged police brutality during last week's demos.

He was accompanied by Azimio co-principal Kalonzo Musyoka, former Murang'a governor Mwangi wa Iria and other Opposition lawmakers.

Kisii residents took to the streets to remember those who died last week, while in both Kisumu and Homa Bay, the ODM Governors spearheaded the vigils.

Earlier, Opposition chief Raila Odinga said he will launch the fund to support the families of the deceased and the injured.

"We are going to launch a fund to help families who lost their loved ones and those still in hospital receiving treatment," he said.

He reiterated that they suspended the earlier planned demos to honour the dead, injured and their families.

"We condole with the families who have lost loved ones and they are the reason as to why we called off the demos," Raila said.

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