Kindiki suppressing truth on protest deaths – Azimio

"We are working meticulously, day and night, to ensure every dead or injured is accounted for."

In Summary

• Azimio claimed police used live ammunition on protesters resulting in dozens of deaths but Kindiki issued a directive against the release of data on the fatalities.

• The government has acknowledged that people were shot and killed during the mass protests, including one officer, but did not specify the number of civilian fatalities. 

Anti-riot police officers clear Nyalenda Ringroad during the third day of the protest on July 21, 2023.
Anti-riot police officers clear Nyalenda Ringroad during the third day of the protest on July 21, 2023.

Azimio has accused Interior CS Kithure Kindiki of suppressing information on the actual number of people who died during last week's three days of protests.

The opposition outfit claimed police used live ammunition on protesters resulting in dozens of deaths but Kindiki issued a directive against the release of data on the fatalities.

"We know it was the wish of the Interior CS that the injured don’t get help and the dead don’t get acknowledged by hospitals and government agencies. That order remains in place as we speak, which is why getting an accurate and complete figure of the dead is difficult," Azimio said in a statement.

The government has acknowledged that people were shot and killed during the mass protests, including one officer, but did not specify the number of civilian fatalities. 

Kindiki on Tuesday absolved police from blame and said intelligence agencies are reviewing solid evidence for purposes of prosecuting individuals he said supplied guns that were used to kill protesters.

"It has been established that licensed and unlicensed civilian firearms supplied by the masterminds of the recent violence were used to kill or injure civilians and security personnel, and the blame shifted to security officers," he said in a statement.

Azimio said despite the lack of concern from the government over the plight of the civilian causalities, they will ensure the actual figure of those maimed or killed becomes public.

"We will get there. We are working meticulously, day and night, to ensure every dead or injured is accounted for. 

"We further take this opportunity to thank all those who have come out to honour and show love for our slain and injured heroes with candles and flowers. Please don’t tire of doing good."

Azimio said the vigils, prayers and the laying of flowers will continue on Thursday and throughout the weekend.

The opposition suspended street protests scheduled for this week to hold "solidarity parades and vigil for victims of police brutality in various locations in all parts of the country".

"Let’s pray for God to soften the hearts of the pharaohs in government who would rather harm and kill our people instead of letting them go in the spirit of justice and freedom," Azimio said.

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