Mombasa unveils first-ever county GBV rescue centre

The facility at Maungunja will cater for victims of physical, emotional and sexual violence.

In Summary

• County statistics show that 5,350 cases of physical and emotional violence and 866 cases of sexual violence have been recorded in the county.

• Abdulaswamad revealed that Mombasa County is grappling with a high number of GBV cases, particularly physical and emotional violence among youth of both genders.

CJ Martha Koome and Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Sharif Nassir during the launch of the County Gender Based Violence Rescue Center in Maungunja area in Mwakirunge Ward, August 1, 2023.
CJ Martha Koome and Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Sharif Nassir during the launch of the County Gender Based Violence Rescue Center in Maungunja area in Mwakirunge Ward, August 1, 2023.

Mombasa County Government has unveiled the first ever County Gender Based Violence Rescue Center amid high sexual and gender-based violence cases.

The facility located in the Maungunja area in Mwakirunge Ward is expected to boost access to justice for vulnerable populations facing GBV and other forms of sexual violence.

"This brick and mortar here (the GBV centre) stands as a beacon of hope; a testament to my administration’s unwavering commitment to eradicating gender-based violence," Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir said during the launch of the facility.

The event was attended by Chief Justice Martha Koome. 

"Our mission is to create a society here in Mombasa where every individual, regardless of the colour of their skin, religious beliefs or socio-economic status can live a meaningful life free from fear and oppression,” he said in his address to hundreds of women who turned out to witness the event.

The county boss revealed that Mombasa County is grappling with a high number of GBV cases, particularly physical and emotional violence among youth of both genders.

"The year 2022-2023 alone witnessed over 2,000 cases of such abuse among adolescent boys and men, underscoring the urgent need for collective action and awareness,” he said.

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir with CJ Martha Koome during the launch of the GBV rescue centre at Maungunja area in Mwakirunge Ward.
Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir with CJ Martha Koome during the launch of the GBV rescue centre at Maungunja area in Mwakirunge Ward.

County statistics reveal that 5,350 registered cases of physical and emotional violence and 866 cases of sexual violence have been recorded with many more going unreported due to stigma and societal pressure.

The governor expressed his concern that girls and women in Mombasa County continue to face disproportionate vulnerability to sexual abuse.

Koome commended the governor for his efforts in safeguarding women saying the launch of the centre signals the collective responsibility approach between various arms of government to deliver Justice to the public.

"I will work to ensure that a legal aid centre is established within the resource centre to empower the public on their rights,” the CJ.

Others present during the event included Mombasa County Waman Representative Zamzam Mohamed, Mombasa Presiding Judge Justice Olga Sewe, Mombasa Chief Magistrate Martha Mutuku and Members of the County Assembly Committee on Health and Social Services led by chairperson Bernard Ogutu and area MCA Mwinyi Khamis.

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