Busia Governor Paul Otuoma has reshuffled his cabinet in a move many see as aimed at streamlining management and improving service delivery.
Out of the nine chief executive committee members, the governor has been working with, five have been moved in the governor’s first administrative changes since he was sworn into office on August 25 last year.
Among those affected by the reshuffle is deputy governor Arthur Odera who doubled as chief executive in charge of the Water, Irrigation and Natural Resources docket.
The DG has been moved to the Health and Sanitation department.
He will be expected to oversee operations in the health sectors in the county with a population of close to one million people.
Also affected by the changes is Education and Vocational Training CeC Pamela Awori who has been moved to the Public Service Management docket where she will oversee matters of human resources at the border county.
Andrew Nakitare who was appointed to head the Public Service Management docket after Otuoma’s swearing-in has been transferred to the Roads, Transport, Public Works and Infrastructure department while Beatrice Nakholi who was in the race for the position of woman representative during the August 2022 polls has been taken to the Education and Vocational Training department. Prior to her movement, she was CeC Health.
Nakitare will, however, lose the energy directorate in his new department since Energy has been pulled out and domiciled in the Trade department.
Andrew Meso who before the governor issued the executive order to move the CeCs headed the Roads, Transport, Public Works and Energy docket will from August 7 oversee operations at the Water, Irrigation, Climate Change and Natural Resources docket, replacing the deputy governor.
Those the reshuffle did not affect include Topister Wanyama (Finance, ICT and Economic Planning) and Olakacuna Omuse (Trade, Industry, Investment and Cooperatives).
The governor at the same time created a new docket for ICT, Sustainable Development Goals, Gender Mainstreaming and Economic Revitalisation where Wanyama will head as CeC in an acting capacity.
Others not affected by the changes include Symplisius Mukok who will remain in the Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Climate Change, Blue Economy and Agribusiness department
. All eyes will be on him as he will be expected to support the revitalisation of agriculture as Otuoma races towards realising food security in the county.
The governor during his swearing-in categorically said food security will be among his flagship projects.
The county chief retained Peter Odima at the Lands, Housing and Urban Development department as he also did not move Paul Olung’a Ekweny who oversees operations at the Sports, Culture and Social Services department.
Olung’a, will, however, have more responsibilities since the Gender directorate that was initially on the Public Service docket has been moved to his department.
The changes were made in the exercise of the executive authority and powers conferred to the Governor by Article 179 sub-article (1d) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 as read together with section 30 sub-section (1) and section 35 of the County Governments Act, No. 17 of 2012.
“The above changes and appointments take immediate effect,” Otuoma said in a statement on August 7.
The governor’s changes also affected chief officers who are the accounting officers in counties.
In the reshuffle, Elijah Mwaro who has been the chief officer at the office of the Governor has been moved to the Trade, Investment, Cooperatives, SME’s Energy and Tourism department.
Mwaro will also work as chief officer at the newly created ICT, Sustainable Development Goals, Gender Mainstreaming and Economic Revitalisation docket.
Also affected is Isabella Odoyo who has been transferred to Economic Planning and Budgeting department from Water, Irrigation and Natural Resources.
Gypson Wafula who has been the chief officer of Finance will retain his position while John Muroki who has been the accounting officer at the Education docket takes on new responsibilities at the Water and Irrigation department.
Lands, Housing and Urban Development department will from August 7 have a new chief officer as Mercy Imo leaves Public Service Management to join Lands.
Ahmed Hafoe (Transport, Roads and Public Works), Susan Outa (Health and Sanitation) Timothy Odende (Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Climate Change, Blue Economy and Agribusiness) and Saviour Panyako (Sports and Culture) will retain their positions in their respective dockets.
Panyako, however, will have added duties since he also over-see operations for the Creative Arts directorate which has been domiciled under him.
Also moved among chief officers is Kennedy Mbaja who leaves the Trade, Industry, Investment and Cooperatives department to join the Public Service Management department in the same capacity.
Solomon Abwaku who was Otuoma’s running mate during the 2017 general elections will take over duties at the office of the governor as chief officer, replacing Mwaro.
Other appointments made by the governor include Ahmed Hafoe who has been picked as county secretary. Odende will deputise Hafoe. Both will serve in their positions in an acting capacity.
The chief of staff title, according to the new appointments goes to Vincent Mutanda while re-known journalist Emmanuel Juma is the new Director in charge of the Governor’s press.
Peter Bwire will be the governor’s special aide.
Otuoma, at the same time appointed seven new chief officers.
Those appointed include Wilberforce Lusamba (Health and Sanitation), Kelly Wafula (Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Climate Change, Blue Economy and Agribusiness), Esau Onyapidi (Trade, Investment, Cooperatives, SME’s Energy and Tourism Promotion) and Vincent Wanjala (Water Irrigation and Natural Resources).
Another joining the county workforce as a chief officer is Dennis Ngira (Sports, Culture and Social Services). He will be assisted in the same department by Pascilisa Okoth.
Douglas Okiring has been nominated for the position of CeC ICT, Sustainable Development Goals, Gender Mainstreaming and Economic Revitalisation. He will be vetted by the county assembly before assuming office.