In courts today: Son of late ex-spymaster Kanyotu sues DPP

Wheels of justice: Court cases lined up for today

In Summary
  • The son of the late ex-spymaster claims DPP failed to prosecute suspects that forged documents relating to his family property.
  • Several cases have been filed in court over similar issues with claims of alleged fraudulent transfer of a piece of land worth over Sh10 billion.
In courts today
In courts today
Image: The Star

The son of late ex-spymaster James Kanyotu has sued the DPP claiming he failed to prosecute suspects that forged documents relating to his family property.

Several cases have been filed in court over similar issues with claims of alleged fraudulent transfer of a piece of land worth over Sh10 billion.

Court to issue directions where 10,000 Luos want to form their state

Directions will today be issued in a case where 10,000 Luos are seeking to be allowed to form their state and govern themselves.

Ojijo Ogillo Mark Pascal filed the case before the Milimani Law Courts.

He wants a directive issued that will cause a referendum to be held for Luos to leave the state of Kenya and become their state.

Ojijo, who identifies himself as a presidential candidate and a Luo by ethnicity says secession is not a crime in Kenya and it is time Luos charted their course as a people who believe in change.

He alleges that the State has repeatedly, and consistently applied excessive force on Luos during demonstrations.

Ojijo further alleges discriminatory practices have been applied in distributing resources disfavouring Luos.

Separably, a man will now answer for alleged fraudulent withdrawals of Sh970,000 belonging to his fiancée.

Daniel Kimani Kariuki had moved to the Court of Appeal seeking to have the DPP blocked from prosecuting the charges but his petition was dismissed.

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