Kericho MCAs demand action over Londiani accident cash theft

The MCAs have asked governor Mutai to take action on six county officials mentioned.

In Summary
  • Rono reminded the governor that he will bear the brunt of the scam should he fail to crack the whip on all the suspects.
  • Rono expressed concern that the scam had put the entire Kipsigis community to shame.
Ad hoc committee chair Moses Rotich and fellow members during the special sitting in the assembly last Friday.
Ad hoc committee chair Moses Rotich and fellow members during the special sitting in the assembly last Friday.

MCAs tasked with the probe of Sh13 million raised for Londiani accident victims want Governor Eric Mutai to take action on the implicated officers.

The 15 ad-hoc committee members led by the Leader of Majority, Philip Rono, asked Governor Mutai to take immediate action against those implicated in the scam.

Rono reminded the governor that he will bear the brunt of the scam should he fail to crack the whip on all the suspects.

While addressing journalists in Kerich town on Friday, Rono expressed concern that the scam had put the entire Kipsigis community to shame.

"Unless a cleansing ceremony is carried out soon, the community will remain condemned through the action of a few officers implicated in the shameful scandal," Rono said.

He said it's taboo in Kalenjin culture to use money meant for the dead.

Six Kericho county government officials were adversely mentioned in the Sh13 million scam. The MCAs say the governor is yet to take action.

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