Thugs who shot colleague dead arrested

The incident happened when the thugs had raided a supermarket in Busia town.

In Summary
  • Busia county commissioner Kipchumba Ruto said the arrested thugs are being detained at a police station outside the county.
  • The incident happened 17 days after Teso South MP Mary Emase called on security agencies to heighten patrols in the fight against lawlessness.
Crime scene.
CRIME: Crime scene.
Image: STAR

Police have arrested two thugs suspected to have shot another thug dead.

The shooting happened at a supermarket which the three had raided on Saturday night in Busia town.

County Commissioner Kipchumba Ruto in a brief statement to the press said the suspected thug was killed after his colleague shot the owner of the supermarket in Busia.

The supermarket owner is of Asian origin, sources said.

The county commissioner said the arrested thugs are being detained at a police station outside the county.

“The latest report is that two thugs that shot dead their fellow thief and businessman have been arrested and are being held,” Ruto said.

“The gun used in the incident was not recovered though the motorbike belonging to the killed thug was recovered. It is said one of our administrators knew these thieves very well for a while.”

The suspected thug who was killed, it is reported, was a boda boda rider.

DCI officers are piecing evidence before those arrested are arraigned.

Police are yet to establish how the thugs shot their colleague.

Sources, however, claim the supermarket owner had grabbed the thug who was killed.

In the attempt to shoot the supermarket owner, for a second time, the gun-wielding thug mistakenly shot his colleague, killing him on the spot.

County Commissioner Kipchumba Ruto who confirmed the incident on Monday.
CONFIRMED: County Commissioner Kipchumba Ruto who confirmed the incident on Monday.

The incident happened 17 days after Teso South MP Mary Emase called on security agencies to heighten patrols in the fight against lawlessness.

“The security situation is deteriorating. Boda boda riders are being killed and their motorcycles taken away,” the MP said on July 28 during the flagging-off of subsidized fertilizer at Amukura DCC’s grounds.

“It is a serious issue, it is a matter of concern and we have to find a strategy to arrest the situation.”

In July alone, the MP reported that eight boda boda riders had been killed by unknown people in the subcounty.

“I am told the way in which they (boda bodas) are attacked and cut, one can tell those involved are serial killers,” Emase said.

“We need to work on that because it is a concern.”

At the Amukura event, Ruto ordered all DDCs in Busia to convene meetings in their respective areas of work with the leadership of the boda boda riders in Teso North, Teso South, Nambale, Matayos, Butula, Samia and Bunyala to agree on how the insecurity situation in the county can be dealt with.

The county commissioner said resolutions of the meetings would be implemented immediately.

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