In courts today: 'Mathe wa Ngara' to know detention fate today

Wheels of justice: Court cases lined up for today.

In Summary

• Sergeant Stephen Chesire filed an application seeking to detain Nancy Kigunzu.

• An anti-corruption court at the Milimani Law Courts is expected to proceed with the hearing of former Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong's graft case.

A Magistrate is to rule on whether 'Mathee wa Ngara' who is a suspect of drug trafficking and possession will be detained for five days pending further investigations.

An application filed in court on Tuesday by Sergeant Stephen Chesire seeking to detain Nancy Kigunzu indicates that during the time of operations which led to the arrest of three other suspects, she fled from police arrest.

Chesire said weighing and sampling of the alleged drugs was done in her absentia.

"The sweets and cookies which were seized from the respondent premises couldn't undergo preliminary laboratory test hence no report which will give further directions on this case on the charges to be preferred," the officer says in the affidavit.

Chesire further told the court that he intends to conduct further interrogations which might lead to further arrests of Kigunzu's accomplices.

"It is for this reason that I request the respondent to be held for five days to enable the investigating officer to complete his investigations," he said.

The officer also said a suspect is a flight risk and if released before the investigations are complete, there is the likelihood that she will interfere with the investigations and compilation of evidence.

Graft case facing former Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong and others proceed with the hearing

An anti-corruption court at the Milimani Law Courts is expected to proceed with the hearing of former Busia Governor Sospeter Ojaamong.

Ojaamong his co-accused persons Bernard Aite, Leonard Wanda, Allan Omachari, Samwel Oseko, Edan Odoo, Renish Omullo, Sebastian Hallensben and Madam R Enterprises (MRE) were 2018 charged with conspiracy to commit an economic crime.

Ojaamong is separately charged with engaging in a project without prior planning and abuse of office.

Others are accused of wilfully failing to comply with the law relating to the management of funds.

They are accused of knowingly approving payments amounting to Sh8,000,000 to Madam R Enterprises Ltd for a feasibility study on solid waste management, a project for which funding had not been appropriated.

They were placed on their defense after the prosecution called twenty witnesses. The court heard that MRE was registered in Kenya on April 18. It emerged the county paid Sh8m to a company whose registration indicated its business was to buy shoes and operate the hardware.

The accused persons have so far been found to have a case to answer and are currently defending themselves.

Ojaamong in June 2021 defended the Sh8 million spent on the study by Madam R Enterprises, an alleged German company.

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