Chebukati, Aukot in heated exchange over 2022 elections

Chebukati told off Aukot over his criticism saying he failed to meet requirements to vie for presidency.

In Summary
  • Aukot insisted the election nomination was choreographed and that he would go down in history as the worst person to chair the electoral body.
  • Chebukati, however, fired back at Aukot saying he did not qualify to vie for the Presidency.

Former IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati and Thirdway Alliance party leader Ekuru Aukot on Thursday engaged in a heated exchange of words over the August 2022 elections.

It all started when Aukot dismissed Chebukati's remarks that the elections were free and fair, and that almost all results were electronically transmitted inside 24 hours after polls closed.

"FACT: 99.9% of Presidential result forms were electronically transmitted to the public portal within 24 hours of closure of polls," Chebukati said.

Aukot, in his statement, accused the former IEBC chair of being biased to most of the candidates.

He went on to say that the officials did not understand basic constitutional requirements to conduct the election.

Aukot insisted the election nomination was choreographed and that he would go down in history as the worst person to chair the electoral body.

"You're fake. The nomination process was choreographed. You couldn't understand basic constitutional provisions. You were biased toward most of the candidates. When history is properly written, you will be named as the worst chairman of IEBC Kenya. After all, you were not even the best during the interviews," Aukot said in a tweet.

Chebukati, however, fired back at Aukot saying he did not qualify to vie for the Presidency.

"You did not meet the requirements to stand as a presidential candidate in 2022. Period," Chebukati said.

Aukot was among the leaders who did not meet the set requirements to run for president.

The August 2022 election saw only four candidates qualify to seek the country's top seat.

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