CJ Koome extends access to justice initiative in Kakuma

She also rolled out e-filling of cases for easy access of justice

In Summary
  • CJ Koome reaffirmed the Judiciary’s commitment to ensuring that the courts cater to both the host community and the refugee populace.
  • She urged Kenyans to embrace the rich tapestry of traditions, upheld by community elders, which have always provided pathways to justice.
Chief Justice Martha Koome speaking during the launch of an Alternative Justice Court in Kakuma on August 29, 2023.
Chief Justice Martha Koome speaking during the launch of an Alternative Justice Court in Kakuma on August 29, 2023.

Chief Justice Martha Koome on Tuesday launched an alternative Justice System model in Kakuma.

The CJ also rolled out e-filling of cases for easy access to justice and a people-centred justice system.

"It is also vital to acknowledge the commendable spirit of the residents of Kakuma in embracing refugees, who often stand on the precipice of vulnerability. Your sense of community and coexistence serves as a beacon for the entire nation," she said.

"Should disputes arise, I urge you to utilise the avenues provided by the AJS or our courts, ensuring that conflicts remain rare and short-lived."

CJ Koome reaffirmed the Judiciary’s commitment to ensuring that the courts cater to both the host community and the refugee populace.

She urged Kenyans to embrace the rich tapestry of traditions, upheld by community elders, which have always provided pathways to justice.

CJ Koome pledged to gazette additional courts in Lokichar and Lokitaung, following a request by the leadership of Turkana County.

She said AJS offers more than just a resolution to disputes but also reconciliation as it looks beyond the symptoms and addresses the very roots of conflicts, ensuring a harmonious society.

"The people of Turkana have long upheld these traditions, and I urge you to view AJS as a symbol of our commitment to preserving and promoting this wisdom. Embrace it, not as a new initiative but as a tribute to our age-old values and practices," she added.

CJ Koome, however, cautioned elders and other practitioners of AJS that issues relating to the defilement of children do not fall within the remit of AJS.

"When you come across an incident of defilement of a child, you must refer such a case to the police and the courts for it to be dealt with as a criminal offence,” she cautioned.

"We are actively working to transform our courts into trauma-informed sanctuaries that stand in solidarity with victims of such heinous crimes."

Chief Justice Martha Koome interacting with traditional dancers during the launch of an Alternative Justice Court in Kakuma on August 29, 2023.
Chief Justice Martha Koome interacting with traditional dancers during the launch of an Alternative Justice Court in Kakuma on August 29, 2023.

She added the introduction of e-filing in Turkana, making it the ninth county to join the initiative.

Chief Registrar of the Judiciary Anne Amadi said the launch of the justice initiatives would expand access to justice to a community that has historically been categorised among the marginalised in Kenya.

"For decades, this community was served only by the court in Lodwar which is 120km from Kakuma, and even further from other parts of the expansive County," Amadi said.

"Since 2013, the people from around here have been able to access the Judiciary’s services in Kakuma following the establishment of this Court."

CJ Koome, however, cautioned elders and other practitioners of AJS that issues relating to the defilement of children do not fall within the remit of AJS.

"When you come across an incident of defilement of a child, you must refer such a case to the police and the courts for it to be dealt with as a criminal offence,” she cautioned.

"We are actively working to transform our courts into trauma-informed sanctuaries that stand in solidarity with victims of such heinous crimes."

She added the introduction of e-filing in Turkana, making it the ninth county to join the initiative.

Amadi said the launch of the justice initiatives would expand access to justice in a community that has historically been categorised among the marginalised.

"For decades, this community was served only by the court in Lodwar which is 120km from Kakuma, and even further from other parts of the expansive County," Amadi said.

"Since 2013, the people from around here have been able to access the Judiciary’s services in Kakuma following the establishment of this Court." 

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