EACC dismisses claims Oparanya's questioning was political

EACC is currently investigating a total of 21 other sitting and former governors over corruption.

In Summary
  • The Commission maintained that the claims were unfounded, diversionary and misleading.
  • EACC has said it is firmly focused on holding to account all persons suspected of embezzling public funds irrespective of their status or political allegiance.
EACC Head of Corporate Communications Eric Ngumbi.
EACC Head of Corporate Communications Eric Ngumbi.

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has distanced itself from claims by Azimio leaders that the recent questioning of the former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya and his wives was politically motivated.

The Commission maintained that the claims were unfounded, diversionary and misleading.

EACC has said it is firmly focused on holding to account all persons suspected of embezzling public funds irrespective of their status or political allegiance.

"EACC  will undertake its mandate strictly under the guidance of law and that will not in any way be swayed or distracted by such political utterances," EACC spokesperson Eric Ngumbi said.

He spoke on the sidelines of the ongoing Media Council of Kenya workshop for Senior Government Communications.

Ngumbi said besides Oparanya, EACC is currently investigating a total of 21 other sitting and former governors over corruption and economic crimes involving tens of billions of public funds.

They are facing investigations over embezzlement of public funds, conflict of interest, procurement fraud, payroll fraud mainly through ghost workers, fraudulent pending bills and blatant disregard of laws relating to financial management.

Ngumbi said the cases are at different stages of investigation and upon conclusion, the investigation files will be forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) with appropriate recommendation.

The recommendation will also include where appropriate civil proceedings will be filed to recover any stolen public funds.

Ngumbi affirmed that EACC is a law enforcement body but not a political party and as such, it will continue to conduct its investigations independently, impartially, and professionally, and in accordance with the law.

"The Commission expects all leaders to abandon the culture of unleashing political attacks on institutions whenever called to account over allegations of corruption," he said.

Such attacks, Ngumbi said, amount to politicisation of the Commission’s work which remains a leading challenge in the fight against corruption

The Commission further urged the political leaders to refrain from ethinicising the work of independent offices.

Oparanya and his wives were questioned at EACC offices in Integrity Centre on August 23, after a search operation in his homes.

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