We'll deal firmly with public officers enabling corruption - Ruto

President says he will not allow a few individuals to ruin the future of Kenyans

In Summary
  • Ruto warned the corrupt that they could no longer hide in courts with court orders.
  • He asked leaders to rise above narrow political party interests that may undermine Kenya’s development.
President William Ruto among other leaders when he held a meeting at the Kakamega State Lodge August 31, 2023.
President William Ruto among other leaders when he held a meeting at the Kakamega State Lodge August 31, 2023.
Image: PCS

President William Ruto has warned that all public officers facilitating corruption will face the law.

The President said that he will not allow a few individuals to ruin the future of Kenyans.

"Corruption enterprise has to come to an end. We will deal with them firmly. A few people cannot stop us. We will pay the price to stop the vice,” Ruto said.

The President added that selfish interests were frustrating development projects in the country.

He warned the corrupt that they would no longer hide in courts with court orders.

"We will work closely with the Judiciary to weed out those with a retrogressive approach to work."

He spoke on Thursday at the Kakamega State Lodge where he met leaders from Kisii, Nyamira and Migori counties.

The President asked the leaders to rise above narrow political party interests that may undermine Kenya’s development.

"We made commitments as leaders to the people of Kenya during campaigns. We now have an opportunity to deliver them. Together, we can provide leadership, empower Kenyans and build our country," he said.

The President has recently spoken tough on corruption in the country saying he will not allow any form of graft in the country.

Starting with sugar cartels, Ruto asked them to either depart Kenya, go to jail or go to heaven.

President William Ruto among other leaders when he held a meeting at the Kakamega State Lodge August 31, 2023.
President William Ruto among other leaders when he held a meeting at the Kakamega State Lodge August 31, 2023.
Image: PCS
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