Why I want defunct NMS audited – Sakaja

Says the NMS pending bills should not be a burden to the county

In Summary
  • Sakaja claimed NMS received a lot of funding from the county and national government.
  • He, however, said there is nothing to show for it.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja during an interview at Radio Jambo studio on September 1, 2023.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja during an interview at Radio Jambo studio on September 1, 2023.

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja is now calling for a forensic audit of the Nairobi Metropolitan Services.

Sakaja claimed NMS received a lot of funding from the county and national government when they came in to salvage the city, but there is nothing to show for it.

Despite this, he still acknowledged that there are areas NMS did well but failed in many others.

Speaking on Friday at Radio Jambo studio, the governor said the now-defunct body, received over Sh40 billion in the two years they were in charge of the city.

Sakaja noted that despite this, the NMS still had pending bills amounting to over Sh16 billion when he came into office.

The governor, insisted that the NMS pending bills should not be a burden to the county, since the NMS was under the office of the President.

"Ni vizuri ni zungumzie hii NMS kwa ujumla. Vile ilibidi iletwe kwa sababu wakati huo county haingeweza kusonga, kuna mambo walifanya na mengine hawakufanya vizuri kwa sababu ukiona walipata 27 billion kutoka Nairobi county, kuna ile walipata kutoka national government alafu wako na pending Bills ya 16 billion. Kazi ya forty something billion miaka miwili iko wapi? Nilisema ifanyiwe forensic audit pending bills zao zidealiwe na executive office wasituletee mzigo ambao sio wetu," Sakaja said.

This loosely translates to, "It's good I talk about the NMS. When they had to come in because nothing was working in the county. There were things they did and others they didn't do well. They received Sh27 billion from the county and some other money from the national government, but they have Sh16 billion pending bills. Where is the work done with over Sh40 billion in two years? I said a forensic audit of their work and their pending bills be dealt with by the Executive. We don't want a burden that is not ours."

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