Wailwana community king resigns after 17 years at the helm

He said he was vacating office because of sickness.

In Summary
  • Babisani has been the leader of the community for 17 years.
  • In March this year, the Wailwana community in Madogo ward clashed with other neighboring communities leading to the death of two people.
The King of the Wailwana community in Tana River county Mzee Ramadhan Divai Babisani
The King of the Wailwana community in Tana River county Mzee Ramadhan Divai Babisani

The King of the Wailwana community in Tana River County Mzee Ramadhan Divai Babisani has resigned from his post citing health issues and internal conflicts within the community over his leadership.

Babisani, who has been the leader of the community for 17 years said he was vacating office because of sickness.

He said the sickness makes him unable to lead because some of his duties include intervening in conflict resolution, which according to him, cannot continue because of his health interests.

In March this year, the Wailwana community in Madogo ward clashed with other neighboring communities leading to the death of two people.

While the main suspects were arrested and charged in law courts, the elders from the warring communities sat down and decided that the families of the deceased be paid Sh1 Million each as compensation.

Speaking to the press as he tendered his resignation on Tuesday, Babisani regretted that the community had not raised even a quarter of the amount which could lead to more conflicts.

“We have not been able to raise the amount we are supposed to pay for compensation in the last six months. We had an extension of two months with the help of our area Deputy county commissioner and still we have done nothing,” Babisani said.

The King of the Wailwana community in Tana River county Mzee Ramadhan Divai Babisani with elders at his homestead in Vanga.
The King of the Wailwana community in Tana River county Mzee Ramadhan Divai Babisani with elders at his homestead in Vanga.

“The reason why we have not been able to raise this money is because some of our members have been inciting others against it and this is why I am resigning so that my community can choose someone else whom they will respect and follow his guidance,” he added

He pleaded with the communities they are supposed to compensate to be patient and give them time as they organize themselves with new leadership to solve the matter.

A security meeting at Vanga area in june this year.
A security meeting at Vanga area in june this year.

Close to all communities in the Northeastern region and parts of Tana River County have their leaders commonly referred to as kings and a council of elders who give direction in conflict resolutions, settle border conflicts, and family issues while others extend to nomination of candidates for political offices.

These councils work closely with the security apparatus and they are able to police their communities and handle small cases giving the chiefs and police officers less work.

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