I see a Kitui assembly devoid of wrangles - Katisya

Katisya cautioned that disunity would create a window for enemies to infiltrate the assembly

In Summary

•He  spoke on Tuesday evening when he threw a luncheon  for MCAs and the Kitui assembly staff members.

•He lamented that a divided  Kitui assembly  will  not be able to deliver on its mandate to the expectation on the electorate.


Speaker of the Kitui County Assembly Kevin Katisya speaking during the Tuesday evening luncheon for Kitui Assembly MCAs and members of staff.
UNITY MESSAGE Speaker of the Kitui County Assembly Kevin Katisya speaking during the Tuesday evening luncheon for Kitui Assembly MCAs and members of staff.

Kitui County Assembly speaker, Kevin Katisya, has said he was determined to lead a united assembly that was devoid of unwarranted bickering, wrangling and squabbling.

He cautioned  MCAs that disunity would be to the advantage of the enemies who would infiltrate the assembly and seek to rock their steady boat.

“So honorable members I urge all of us to be united. The moment become divided we are done because  that is what the enemy wants,” cautioned Katisya.

The Speaker said that he was awake to the fact that the prerequisite to members of the county assembly  to delivering on their mandate as expected  by the electorate was unity.

He spoke when he hosted a luncheon on the Kitui Assembly MCAs and members of the staff at a Kitui town hotel on Tuesday evening.

“Let us be united to deliver on our mandate. Unity is  strength and I always  preach unity in our county government. If we support each other, all of us will achieve our mandate,” noted the Speaker.

He added that respect begets unity and  thus urged the entire Kitui assembly fraternity to strive  to have respect for each other in order to remain united.

“We must respect each other as we cannot be united unless we have respect for each other.

Let all positions of leadership in the assembly be respected. We cannot work seamlessly without respect,” the speaker emphasized.

He however advised that there were stipulated lawful and procedural means for MCAs to remove  any of their leaders from office. He ruled out bickering and social media campaign as one of them.

Katisya  further expressed  reservation that some MCAs has  opted to use social media platforms to air opinion on matters touching on the assembly.

Participants during the luncheon hosted for Kitui MCAs and assembly members of staff at a Kitui hotel by speaker Kevin Katisya on Tuesday evening.
LUNCHEON Participants during the luncheon hosted for Kitui MCAs and assembly members of staff at a Kitui hotel by speaker Kevin Katisya on Tuesday evening.

“We should tone down the hullabaloo and do our things according to procedure. If you go to social media to attack the Speaker or a fellow MCA, you are literally shooting yourself in the foot. This is something  that should be clear to everyone,” he cautioned.

He said that the ward representatives should be cautious of the information they shared out in the social media  especially with WhatsApp bloggers as it could detrimental.

He further urged  the MCAs and  the Kitui Assembly staff members to always remain  good ambassadors of this assembly and always project a good image.

“With a member of the Kitui assembly fraternity  messing up in public, that gives the assembly a bad name. But if  the assembly is rated well in the eyes of the public, we all earn banquets,” said the Speaker.

At the same time expressed willingness of the assembly to work with  the progressive media outfits in Kitui to disseminated the achievements of the county assembly to the public.


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