no peace in the area.

Villagers in Khwisero hold protests over woman's muder

A woman was murdered on Monday night inside her house by unknown people.

In Summary

• Mary Kangu was murdered by unknown goons at night in her house but nothing was stolen from the house.

• The family led led by her husband Evans Kangu said since the incidence took place, security officers are yet to conduct any investigation.

Residents of a village in Khwisero sub-county hold protests calling for justice following the murder of Mary Kangu, September 8, 2023.
Residents of a village in Khwisero sub-county hold protests calling for justice following the murder of Mary Kangu, September 8, 2023.

Family and friends of the late Mary Kangu who was murdered on Monday night at a village in Khwisero sub-county of Kakamega County are calling for justice from the relevant authorities in charge of security.

Mary Kangu was murdered by unknown goons at night in her house but nothing was stolen from the house.

The family led led by her husband Evans Kangu said since the incidence took place, security officers are yet to conduct any investigation.

"My wife was murdered on Monday night but since then we haven't received any concrete report over the investigation," Kangu said.

"We expected them to come on the ground and do forensic investigation, and dusting some of the house equipment that could have led to the arrest of the criminals," he added.

Danson Kombo, the son to the late Mary said he is wondering why his home area has been characterised by poor insecurity services.

"My mother was killed like a wild animal and there are no plans for me to get Justice," Kombo said.

"I have been offering security services to other areas of this country but it's unfortunate that my colleagues have failed to offer security services to my people back at home," he added.

A photo of Mary Kangu who was killed in her house on Monday night.
A photo of Mary Kangu who was killed in her house on Monday night.

Agitated locals took to the streets calling for a shuffle of security agents within Khwisero Constituency saying they have failed in protecting the area people.

In a joint statement, the locals blamed the police officers within the area for failing to offer security services to make the locals.

"We want the area assistant chief, chief and the police officers within Khwisero to leave the place and get other people who can offer security," they added.

The son of the late Mary Kangu speaking to press at their home in Khwisero sub-county on Friday, September 8, 2023.
The son of the late Mary Kangu speaking to press at their home in Khwisero sub-county on Friday, September 8, 2023.

Frank Eboko, a resident said police officers within Khwisero spend their time at Elukanji gold mines as locals suffer with insecurity issues.

"Our security agents spend time in chang'aa dens and gold mine areas, our efforts to reach them for help failed terribly," Eboko said.

"We have been even reporting our insecurity problems to these officers but none of our concerns have been addressed." 

Eboko said in a period of two weeks, over ten robberies were reported but no action has taken by the officers.

Efforts to reach the security teams in the area hit a snag as they were in a closed door meeting up to the time of the publication.

"OCPD na DCC wako kwa mkutano huko ndani sasa hatujui watamaliza saa ngapi (OCPD and DCC are in a meeting and we don't know what time they will finish," a junior officer told the press.

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