Thieves raid Embakasi church, flee with valuables worth Sh4 million

The audacious robbery persisted for over two hours.

In Summary

•Four individuals' identities were, however, concealed by caps.

•The CCTV captured four individuals entering the church premises at 1:39 am.

Crime Scene
Crime Scene

Detectives in Nairobi have launched investigations into a robbery that occurred at Deliverance Church Embakasi in the early hours of Monday.

The CCTV footage captured four individuals entering the church premises at 1:39 am and making away with valuables estimated to be worth about Sh4 million, however, their identities were concealed by caps.

The footage showed the culprits proceeding to the security guard's residence, forcibly removing and restraining him, granting them access to the church.

At 1:48 am, armed with pangas, the assailants systematically made their way to the church.

They were seen carrying bags laden with valuables.

One of the culprits, upon reaching an elevated area, noticed a CCTV camera and attempted to obscure it with light.

The perpetrators extended their operation to the offices within the compound at 2:46 am, forcibly entering five separate rooms.

In a statement by the church pastors, the gangsters took an array of stolen items, including Sh400,000 from the church safe, musical instruments, five screens, two keyboards, a sound mixer, two cameras, two laptops, a computer, and two amplifiers.

The audacious robbery persisted for over two hours.

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