Kitui assembly removes Maluki as majority leader

Replaces him with Kyuso MCA John Mwinzi

In Summary

•Wiper headquarters has since sanctioned the removal of Maluki.

•The new majority leader said Kitui Wiper MCAs were unhappy with the previous leadership.

New Kitui county assembly majority leader John Mwinzi on Thursday.
New Kitui county assembly majority leader John Mwinzi on Thursday.

Migwani MCA Harisson Maluki has been removed as Kitui county assembly majority leader.

The decision to remove Maluki by majority Wiper MCAs received approval from the Wiper party headquarters on Wednesday, which also endorsed Kyuso MCA John Mwinzi as his replacement.

In the changes, majority whip Mukwate Katula of Kanyangi ward was replaced by Kitui Township MCA Daniel Kimanzi Ngoima.

In a letter dated September 13 to Ngoima, Wiper party secretary general Shakila Abdalla sanctioned the Wiper MCAs decision to replace Maluki and Mukwate.

“We wish both of you the best as you take up these roles,” Abdalla said in reference to the installation of Munyoki and Ngoima in the Kitui assembly majority leadership.

The letter was copied to Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, Kitui Governor Julius Malombe, Kitui assembly speaker Kevin Katisya and assembly clerk Elijah Mutambuki.

The new majority leader who was presiding over the Kitui County Annual Development Plan public participation exercise at Kyuso Market in his ward on Thursday said the change of guard was necessary.

“It is true that there were changes in the assembly leadership. Some Wiper MCAs, who were unhappy with the previous leadership, held election in which I was elected as the new majority leader,” he told journalists.

He said Wiper party had approved of the change of guard and communicated to the speaker of the Kitui assembly, confirming the installation of new office bearers.

He said the need for change in the assembly majority leadership was meant to enhance unity and was in good faith.

“It does not mean that someone has been demoted or something. It is for the benefit of the people and the Kitui administration.

“I want to assure them that I will work accordingly to ensure there is peace and there is unity. Most important we have to build our Wiper party,” Mwinzi said.

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