Atwoli responds to report on 'Death of trade unions' in Kenya

"We shall represent interest of Kenyan Workers not a few senior editors in newsrooms."

In Summary

• Atwoli called on the Media Council of Kenya and the Editors Guild to take action against newspaper editors who allow misleading stories.

• He insisted that shall continue representing the interest of Kenyan Workers and not of a few senior editors in newsrooms

Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) Secretary General Francis Atwoli .
Central Organization of Trade Unions (COTU) Secretary General Francis Atwoli .
Image: PCS

Central Organisation of Trade Unions (Cotu) boss Francis Atwoli has said that a report by the Daily Nation titled 'Death of Trade Unions' is misleading.

In a statement on Monday, Atwoli referred to the report as irresponsible journalism.

He alleged that editors have for long blackmailed organisations and individuals through misleading stories when "their demands are not met."

Atwoli called on the Media Council of Kenya and the Editors Guild to take action against newspaper editors who allow misleading stories.

He insisted that shall continue representing the interest of Kenyan Workers and not of a few senior editors in newsrooms, adding that it is upon the media to provide accurate information to the public, particularly when reporting on matters as critical as trade union activities and labour relations.

"Cotu (K), wishes to express its deep disappointment and concern over today’s headline published by the Daily Nation newspaper, which we view as misleading and, regrettably, part of a broader trend of irresponsible and reckless journalism in Kenya," he said.

"As Cotu (K) we are calling upon the Media Council of Kenya and the Kenya Editor Guild to reign in on the rogue senior newspaper editors who continue blackmailing organisations and individuals through misleading stories that sell terror and fear when their demands are not met."

The Cotu secretary general's remarks are in response to the report that details how Kenyan workers no longer turn out to support trade unions whenever they need to.

It also details how the workers' union leadership has been working with successive governments, at the expense of Kenyan workers, with Collective Bargaining Agreements taking years to be honoured.

In the past years, it only took two years to implement a CBA.

Atwoli also defended the move to work with President William Ruto's administration saying that Cotu believes in the principles of social dialogue, tripartism, and peaceful conflict resolution and that is the path they have taken.

He said this will also help protect the jobs for Kenyans amidst a tough economic state.

"We recognize that our role as a responsible trade union is to engage constructively with the government, employers, and other key players to advance the rights and interests of workers," Atwoli said.

Adding that, "Our position is grounded in the understanding that Kenya is currently facing significant economic challenges. In these trying times, it is imperative that we collectively work towards stabilising the economy, preserving jobs, and creating an environment conducive to sustainable economic growth."

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