In courts today: Babu Owino to seek return of confiscated gun after acquittal

Wheels of Justice: Court case lined up for today.

In Summary

• The lawmaker was last month found not guilty in the misuse of firearm case.

• Babu whose gun was confiscated after the incident now wants authorities to return the weapon.

In courts today
In courts today
Image: The Star

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino will on Tuesday be back in court to seek orders to compel the government to give him back his gun following an acquittal in a misuse of a firearm case.

The lawmaker was last month found not guilty in the misuse of firearm case lodged against him by the state following an incident in which Felix Orinda alias DJ Evolve was January 2020 shot at B - Club in Kilimani area of Nairobi.

Nairobi senior principal magistrate Benard Ochoi in his judgment said investigators could not link Babu's gun to the shooting.

He added that even the victim could not tell if the bullet was fired by the two-term lawmaker.

As such, Babu whose gun was confiscated after the incident now wants authorities to return the weapon.

The matter is coming up for parties to make their submissions before the magistrate this morning.

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