KITHURE KINDIKI: We don't condone extrajudicial killings

Parents must remain vigilant and counsel their children to resist radicalisation or recruitment into terror groups.

In Summary
  • The President has ordered us to ensure this trend stops.
  • However, I must say at this point, the police-public relationship is good, meaning the trend has abated.
Interior CS Kithure Kindiki before the Senate Committee on National Cohesion, Equal Opportunity and Regional Integration on September 14, 2023.
Interior CS Kithure Kindiki before the Senate Committee on National Cohesion, Equal Opportunity and Regional Integration on September 14, 2023.

Interior CS praises the work of law enforcement countrywide, says Kenyans appreciate police.

All law enforcement officers’ right across the country are doing a great job that the government and Kenyan people recognise and appreciate.

Some have incurred injuries. A few others have lost their lives as they battle to foster security and order […threatened by] armed criminals.

No prize is enough to honour those who love their country. I pay tribute to all these officers working in difficult terrain.

This government will go out of its way to equip officers with modern equipment to protect them against armed criminals and enable them to protect our citizens and their property.

The Government of Kenya does not condone extrajudicial killings because they are not only illegal but a violation of the Constitution, humanity and international laws.

The days of enforced disappearances, just because someone is a suspect, are long gone.

President William Ruto is committed that careless killing and disappearing of our young people by police officers who are supposed to foster their safety must stop.

The President has ordered us to ensure this trend stops. However, I must say at this point, the police-public relationship is good, meaning the trend has abated.

I urge all citizens to work with security officers and resist attempts by terror groups to radicalise youth into violent extremism. Terrorism remains a key national security concern and Government will triumph over terror.

Parents must remain vigilant and counsel their children to resist radicalisation or recruitment into terror groups.

We have decided the Ruto government is the one that will bring lasting stability to Northeastern region. Parents must talk to their children to avoid or stop engaging in crime.

It is disheartening our very young children are the ones getting radicalised to join the enemy and then come back to terrorise us.

Let me tell you the truth, if you let your child get into crime and terrorism, you will lose that child and never see him again. We must rid our country of crime, terror and banditry.

Part of the speech the Interior CS gave in Wajir on Monday

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