Let us work together - Mudavadi tells Western region leaders

He said the Western region has to count on its support for the government.

In Summary
  • The CS added that every region is working hard towards positioning itself and its people within government.
  • He cautioned them against listening to politicians and leaders who harbour ill motives for the region.
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi speaking at Chwele girls’ high school in Bungoma county on September 22, 2023.
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi speaking at Chwele girls’ high school in Bungoma county on September 22, 2023.
Image: OPCS

Western Kenya leaders have been urged to rally together and continue supporting President William Ruto’s government.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi said the Western region has to count on its support for the government as they are better placed to benefit more from Ruto’s plan for development.

"If we do not get together and speak in one voice moving into the future then another person will take our place and move forward. Similarly, another region will move forward at our disadvantage. Therefore, we must be united and we must work together," Mudavadi said.

The CS added that every region is working hard towards positioning itself and its people within government.

He cautioned them against listening to politicians and leaders who harbour ill motives for the region.

"I plead with you our people that history does not give anyone a discount. It is now over 60 years since we got independence and it’s time, we do not allow ourselves to continue languishing in disarray and disorder thinking that history will give us a discount," he added.

Mudavadi affirmed the region's support for Ruto’s government rallying the region to build their numbers ahead of 2027.

"Slowly and steadily, we are gaining numbers and we are solidly behind Ruto’s government. As leaders we have assured the President of our unwavering support so that we can move together as a country and change the fortunes of our people together," he said.

"Times are hard but the government is assuring Kenyans that there is hope. The government continues to burn the midnight oil to see to it that our economy jumps back to its course, and livelihoods are supported."

He spoke at Chwele girls’ high school in Bungoma County during a fundraising ceremony in aid of the construction of a 2,500-capacity dining hall.

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