Gachagua maintains government is a shareholding entity

"Na rais wale shareholders halisi katika uongozi wako ni wale wameketi hapa leo."

In Summary
  • Gachagua said the main shareholders in President William Ruto's government were the delegates at the council meeting.
  • The DP insisted that the UDA delegates should occupy their rightful place in terms of getting shares in government.
Deputy party leader Rigathi Gachagua addresses the UDA delegates at Bomas on September 29, 2023
Deputy party leader Rigathi Gachagua addresses the UDA delegates at Bomas on September 29, 2023

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has maintained his stance that the government is like a shareholding company despite the remarks having previously sparked uproar from the Opposition.

Speaking on Friday during the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party national governing council meeting at Bomas of Kenya, Gachagua said the main shareholders in President William Ruto's government were the delegates at the council meeting.

"Na hawa wananikashifu nikiongea mambo ya shares, mimi sina maneno, nasema Kenya ni yetu sisi sote, ni ya kila Mkenya ili apate maendeleo kwa sababu analipa kodi. Rais ni baba ya wakenya wote, afanyie Wakenya wote kazi,” he said.

(There are those who criticise me when I talk about shares. I don't have a problem because the country belongs to all Kenyans and they all deserve development because they are taxed. The President is the head and works for all Kenyans)

The DP, however, reiterated that those who overwhelmingly supported Ruto in his quest for the presidency deserve a bigger share of the national cake.

"Lakini in the leadership of President William Ruto, there is some shareholding. Na rais wale shareholders halisi katika uongozi wako ni wale wameketi hapa leo. Na ndio tunasema rais afanyie Wakenya wote kazi, kila sehemu ya Kenya ipate maendeleo, lakini wale wa kumsaidia ndio afaulu ni wale wanamwamini, waliounga yeye mkono na wanamwelewa."

(But in the leadership of President William Ruto, there is some shareholding. President Ruto, the real shareholders are these seated here today. That is why we are saying, the President should work on development for all Kenyans but most importantly to those who helped him succeed)

The DP insisted that the UDA delegates should occupy their rightful place in terms of getting shares in government.

"Kwa sababu huwezi chukuwa wale hawakuelewi, wale walikuwa wanasema hutoshi, hufai uwaambie wakusaidie kazi; kazi yako itakwama. Kwa hivyo rais mimi nataka niseme mbele yako na mbele ya chama ya kwamba in your leadership, these are the true shareholders and they must occupy the right place because they believed in you, your policies and ability to steer this country to the next level," he said.

(You cannot take those who are not aligned with you, those who used to say you are not capable, you can't tell them to support you)

Gachagua has on several occasions said that the Kenya Kwanza government is a shareholding administration.

He had previously said the 'shareholders' will be rewarded before those who did not back Ruto's bid to become the country's chief executive officer.

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