You are failing comrades! Babu Owino lashes out at student leaders over HELB delays

"You must wake up, you must come out and call for demos. Let HELB not delay even by one minute."

In Summary

• Babu who is also a former student leader said the current office holders are sleeping on their jobs.

• He went on to say that they must not agree to any form of dialogue but take to the streets on a daily basis for the money to be released to students.

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino speaks to journalists at Parliament Buildings on September 15, 2023
Embakasi East MP Babu Owino speaks to journalists at Parliament Buildings on September 15, 2023

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino has hit out at student leaders over what he termed as failing comrades.

According to the MP, the student leaders should have by now called for demonstrations over the delayed disbursement of Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) funds.

In a video seen by the Star, Babu who is also a former student leader said the current office holders are sleeping on their jobs.

He went on to say that they must not agree to any form of dialogue but take to the streets on a daily basis for the money to be released to students.

The MP accused the student leaders of misrepresenting their comrades if they would end up doing nothing.

"I want to urge all student leaders in the country, do not sleep. Student leaders, you are sleeping. You are wasting the constituents who elected you. Instead of representing them, you are misrepresenting them. You must wake up, you must come out and call for demonstrations. Let HELB not delay even by one minute. The moment HELB delays there is a lot that goes on in the lives of students.

"Student leaders wake up. There's nothing you are doing in those offices. HELB must never delay and school fees must never increase... you must call for demonstrations as soon as possible but you must never destroy university property or any public property. Just hold peaceful demonstrations on a daily basis," Babu said.

In the video, he also notes that by not releasing funds, the government is paralysing student's operations, because it is the same money they use to be able to move around and cover their basic needs.

Babu said delaying the amount, which he said is still little does not make the lives of students easy, but more difficult.

The Embakasi East MP reiterated his disappointment at HELB for not releasing the money.

"I want to register my disappointment to HELB. By now they haven't released money to students in various universities. They are hungry and angry. Students cannot go to class, they cannot buy food, they cannot afford accommodation" Babu added.

"I therefore urge the Cabinet Secretary Treasury Njuguna Ndung'u to move with speed and release the funds."

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