MPs put case on additional counties to the dialogue team

The lawmakers want establishment of an independent council to address the issue of new devolved units.

In Summary
  • The 27 MPs want creation of 11 more counties.
  • They cite marginalisation in their push for additional units.

Minority leader Opiyo Wandayi and EALA MP Hassan Omar at Bomas for the National Dialogue Committee talks on September 27, 2023.
Minority leader Opiyo Wandayi and EALA MP Hassan Omar at Bomas for the National Dialogue Committee talks on September 27, 2023.

MPs behind the push for 11 more counties have taken their battle for additional units to the National Dialogue Committee.

The legislators who have been complaining of marginalisation in the current devolved system told the bipartisan team to consider their quest to end what they termed untold suffering to their constituents.

Led by Kuria East MP Marwa Kitayama and his Suba South counterpart Caroli Omondi, the MPs said the 2012 delimitation that followed the colonial 47 counties was a raw deal to a number of indigenous minority communities who have no say on the day-to-day running of the devolved units.

Lawmakers from across the political divide promoted the new entities they called a step to ensuring what they termed "justice for smaller communities that have suffered under the current set-up".

The legislators are agitating for the split of Migori, Busia, Bungoma, Kisii, Kitui, Homa Bay, Nakuru, Wajir, West Pokot, Garissa and Meru. 

Thus, the new counties they want to be hived out are Kuria, Teso, Mt Elgon, Gucha, Mwingi, Suba, Nakuru West, Wajir South, East Pokot, Ijara and Nyambene.

Concerns have however been raised on the clamour for the new units with opponents arguing that it would be extremely costly with more salaries and infrastructure at a time Kenya’s economy is already burdened by debt, more taxes and a painfully high cost of living.

The lawmakers argue the proposed units meet the criteria for creating counties, including ethnic identity, geographical area as well as population.

Marwa defended the push for additional units saying some of the current counties have similar dynamics as the proposed counties.

“It is on this basis that counties such as Tana River, Taita Taveta, Isiolo, Tharaka Nithi, Embu, Kirinyaga and Elgeyo Marakwet were established,” Marwa said.

“The proposed new counties share similar characteristics with the aforementioned counties.”

Caroli said their quest is not ethnic based but a desire to right the wrong that has compelled the minorities to be locked out from decision making in the devolved units.

He told the Bomas team to consider recommending establishing of an independent council to address the issue of new devolved units.

“There is no ethnic angle to this quest, we are asking that you recommend and independent council to review and later the boundaries as provided for in the law,” Caroli said.

Teso South MP Mary Emaase said as a minority and marginalised group, Iteso of Busia county have not, since independence and more so since the enactment of the 2010 Constitution, been accorded several opportunities.

"We have not been accorded opportunities in educational and economic fields, access employment, water, health and infrastructure," she stated.

She said the community has not been able to develop cultural values, languages and practices.

"It is not lost to members of this Bi-Partisan Dialogue Committee of the common current claim by the previous and current political elites that the Western region is a mulembe nation. This is extremely prejudicial," she added.

Teso North MP Oku Kaunya said Busia county has 35 wards, and therefore 35 elected members of the county assembly.

"However, only 12 are members of the Iteso community," he said.

Kaunya said there are 18 nominated members of the county assembly out of which only one is from the Iteso community.

"This means that try as they can, no motion by the Iteso community can be passed in the county assembly," he said.

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