Polio is a threat to everyone - PS Mary Muthoni

“Let’s ensure all our children are vaccinated during this 2nd targeted campaign.”

In Summary
  • The initiative seeks to ensure that children receive all necessary doses of routine immunization.
  • PS Muthoni emphasized the collective responsibility that rests upon the shoulders of the entire community.
Principle Secretary, State Department of Public Health and Professional Standards Mary Muthoni during a media and stakeholder meeting held on October 5,2023.
Principle Secretary, State Department of Public Health and Professional Standards Mary Muthoni during a media and stakeholder meeting held on October 5,2023.
Image: MoH/X

Principle Secretary, State Department of Public Health and Professional Standards Mary Muthoni, has launched a targeted campaign aimed at children under 15 years old to combat the persistent threat of polio.

The initiative seeks to ensure that children receive all necessary doses of routine immunization, effectively bolstering their immunity against this debilitating disease.

“Let’s ensure all our children are vaccinated during this 2nd targeted campaign,” Muthoni said.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, PS Muthoni emphasised the collective responsibility that rests upon the shoulders of the entire community.

She also stressed that the government alone cannot overcome this challenge, underscoring the need for a collaborative approach.

“This is a collective responsibility; the government cannot win alone,” she reiterated.

Muthoni expressed heartfelt gratitude to all partners involved for their unwavering support in the ongoing battle to eradicate polio in the country.

“We thank all our partners for the support provided to eradicate polio in the Country,” She said.

The Ministry of Health is preparing for a new phase of oral polio vaccination efforts.

This comprehensive campaign is set to take place from October 7 to October 11, with a focus on reaching 3.1 million individuals across ten counties considered to be at high risk.

The counties include Nairobi, Machakos, Kiambu, Kajiado, Garissa, Kitui, Mandera, Wajir, Tana River, and Lamu.

The ministry will be leading this initiative in cooperation with partners from the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.

Polio, a highly contagious virus, poses a significant threat to public health, with potentially severe consequences.

The virus spreads among individuals through contact with infected bodily waste, as well as via contaminated water or food.

It reproduces within the digestive system, potentially infiltrating the nervous system and leading to paralysis.

By concentrating efforts on children, the campaign aims to interrupt transmission chains and ultimately achieve a polio-free future.

Health officials agree that widespread vaccination is the most effective means of preventing the spread of polio.

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