Regulator directs customs officials to seize lorry, scrap metals intercepted at Taveta border

The driver of the truck fled the scene.

In Summary
  • Last weekend, customs officials working with police in Taveta seized the truck
  • Council chairperson Francis Mugo has also told the Kenya Revenue Authority personnel at the Taveta border point to confiscate the scrap batteries that were being ferried.
Vandalised Kenya Power property recovered from a scrap dealer along Mombasa Road Machakos County on May 18, 2023/
Vandalised Kenya Power property recovered from a scrap dealer along Mombasa Road Machakos County on May 18, 2023/

The Scrap Metal Council has directed Customs officials to seize a vehicle caught transporting scrap metal to neighbouring Tanzania without the necessary licenses.

Council chairperson Francis Mugo has also told the Kenya Revenue Authority personnel at the Taveta border point to confiscate the scrap batteries that were being ferried.

The driver of the truck, which was ferrying 10 tonnes of scrap batteries, fled the scene and since last Saturday no one has come to claim the truck or the goods.

“We are following the Scrap Metal Act as it is, that exportation of scrap metal is illegal and a vehicle found exporting the same is impounded by the state and the goods retained,” Mugo said.

 “We want this to serve as a warning to other smugglers of scrap metal, the law is clear but they have continued operating with impunity disregarding the law as it were,” he added.

Previously, crooked traders have managed to escape with lenient fines as courts have not followed the law to the letter which requires the vehicles seized and the goods confiscated by the state.

Last weekend, customs officials working with police in Taveta seized the truck which was reportedly ferrying scrap metal to Tanzania using fake National Environment Management Authority (Nema) licenses.

KRA officials intercepted the trucks ferrying scrap batteries to Tanzania using the Taveta border point and upon inspection, it was established that the Nema license used was fake.

“One of the trucks was escorted by KRA officials to the Customs offices at Taveta where it is being held. We are investigating how the owner managed to get the Nema license before he was arraigned,” Mugo said.

The other truck is being processed awaiting the verification of documents provided by the driver before action is taken.

Nema Director General Mamo Mamo said his officers were investigating the authenticity of the license provided by the traders.

“My officers are in the process of investigating the validity of the documents after which action will be taken,” said Mamo.

KRA chairman Anthony Mwaura told People Daily that the authority will intensify surveillance on all border points to rid them of smugglers.

Mwaura, however, warned that stern action would be taken against customs officers found to be colluding with the smugglers on the said border points.

Mugo said most of the scrap metal from vandalised infrastructure is smuggled out of the country.

“We have established that most of the vandalised materials are smuggled to neighbouring countries where the enforcement aspect is a bit relaxed,” said the council chairperson.

 The Scrap Metal Council has raised concern over the increased cases of smuggling of scrap metal out of the country and is urging agencies in the security sector to up their efforts to stop unscrupulous traders from operating.

Mugo said the most smuggled metal has been scrap batteries which are in high demand in neighbouring countries.

Police have this year alone intercepted over 50 trucks ferrying scrap batteries worth millions to Tanzania, but only a few were charged in court.

According to Mugo most of those ferrying scrap to the neighbouring markets have no valid Scrap Metal Council License or any other as required by law.

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