Over 3,000 families in Gilgil fear eviction for construction of rail

Deputy county commissioner Cheboi confirm plans to build line but denies anyone will be removed.

In Summary
  • The residents have objected to the project noting that it was not in the original map and they had not been consulted.
  • They said over 240 acres would be lost to Gilgil Sleeping Warrior railway.
Residents of Gema estate in Gilgil follow proceedings during a meeting called to address displacement from a new railway line.
Residents of Gema estate in Gilgil follow proceedings during a meeting called to address displacement from a new railway line.

Over 3,000 families in the Gema Gilgil could be displaced and their houses brought down after the government embarked on construction of a railway through the estate.

The residents have objected to the project noting that it was not in the original map and they had not been consulted during a feasibility study.

They said over 240 acres would be lost to Gilgil Sleeping Warrior railway, though the government was quick to note that it would be using the old railway line.

Ali Kariuki, the chairman Gilgil Islamic Community, said they acquired 50 acres from Gema land buying company in 2007 following due process.

Speaking after a heated meeting, he told of their shock after government officers moved to the ground and started surveying. He said the original maps did not have any railway line.

“We followed due process in acquiring this land and at no time were we told that there was a railway line here and we are now living in fear,” he said.

Land trader Reuben Omenda said a feasibility study had already been conducted in the area without involvement of residents.

He said the impasse had locked out potential land buyers, adding that they had followed the law while buying the land and having it sub-divided.

“We have in the past seen the government take over land and demolish structures without any compensation and over 3,000 families could be affected by this project,” Omenda said.

Another trader, Antony Kamau, wondered why the government project was being carried out in secret yet the residents would lose over 240 acres to the railway line.

“We are challenging Kenya Railways to openly come to the ground and show where the so-called railway line is passing through as our maps do not have such infrastructure,” he said.

A resident, Lucy Woka, said she had been forced to stop construction of her house due to the current impasse, fearing it could be demolished in future.

Speaking on phone, Gilgil deputy county commissioner Willy Cheboi confirmed plans to construct a railway line from Gilgil town to the Special Economic Zone.

“There was an old railway line from Gilgil to JICA and Kenya Railway is surveying the route where the new railway line will be constructed and there will be no eviction,” he said.

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