State working to break barriers hindering PWDs – Pastor Dorcas

She said more will be employed in government institutions and awarded tenders.

In Summary
  • Pastor Dorcas said the government is currently implementing programmes for PWDs which include cash transfers and allocation of a proportion of tenders.
  • "Our aim is to improve access to healthcare, education and employment, while also promoting disability awareness and advocacy," she said.
Deputy President's wife Dorcas Gachagua (left) is being received by Narok Deputy Governor Tamalinye Koech (right) as Jesus Gospel Power Ministries bishop Augustine Rugut (centre) looks on.
Deputy President's wife Dorcas Gachagua (left) is being received by Narok Deputy Governor Tamalinye Koech (right) as Jesus Gospel Power Ministries bishop Augustine Rugut (centre) looks on.

Deputy President's spouse Pastor Dorcas Rigathi has said the Kenya Kwanza government is working towards eliminating barriers that have hindered the employment prospects of persons with disabilities.

Dorcas said the government is currently implementing programmes for persons with disabilities which include cash transfers, allocation of a proportion of government tenders and employment opportunities such as in the Teacher Service Commission and other government institutions.

She made the remarks when she met persons living with disabilities at Jesus Gospel Power Ministries in Narok town on Friday.

The DP's wife was accompanied by Narok North MP Agnes Pareiyo, Narok County First Lady Agnes Ntutu, Narok County Commissioner Isaac Masinde and Bishop Augustine Rugut.

The second lady is on a two-day tour of the county.

She later met with Narok High School students for a boychild programme centered on both preventive and rehabilitative initiatives.

Besides the boychild programme, Pastor Dorcas also focuses on widows and orphans, chaplaincy outreach and family values.

The objective of the initiative is to create an equitable future and to restore socio-economic participation for all.

On Saturday, Pastor Dorcas will hold a meeting at Maasai Mara University for mental awareness programme.

"By embracing diversity and providing reasonable accommodations, we can tap into a pool of talent that is often overlooked," she said.

She added that the initiative seeks to create a more inclusive society by addressing the unique challenges faced by disabled individuals in various aspects of life.

"Our aim is to improve access to healthcare, education and employment, while also promoting disability awareness and advocacy," she said.

"I'm proud to be part of the Kenya Kwanza government agenda, which places persons with disabilities at the forefront of our national development agenda."

Pastor Dorcas used the opportunity to encourage persons with disabilities to register with the National Council for Persons With Disabilities (NCPWD) and offer themselves opportunities when the chance arises.

"Together, we can build a more equitable and inclusive Kenya where every individual, regardless of their abilities, can lead a fulfilling life and contribute to our shared prosperity. Let us move forward with determination, compassion and the belief that a more inclusive society benefits us all," she said.

The Deputy President's wife also said when these differently abled youths received cash awards, they used them to uplift and dignify their families.

"Let us not hide our children. Let us give them the opportunity to discover their God-given abilities," she said.

Pastor Dorcas said she is committed to seeing inclusivity of persons who are differently abled and believes that they can contribute significantly to the economic growth of the country.

On education, she said there is need to create an enabling learning environment and provide the necessary infrastructure and resources that will be accessible to all persons with disabilities.

"This should not only provide facilities but also foster a culture of understanding, empathy and acceptance among students and educators," she said.

Concerning the Special Olympics games, Pastor Dorcas said she was overjoyed to testify that the just concluded games in Berlin, Germany in which a group of 66 PWDs participated portrayed a splendid performance in the games.

"Though it was a small team, they brought home 25 medals 15 of which were gold. A prove that indeed disability is not inability," she remarked.

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