Two nabbed as police seize counterfeit liquor in Machakos

The duo was nabbed during a police swoop in Athi River town

In Summary

•The Police commander said the officers carried the scan on barcodes and QR codes of the brands in question but neither could scan.

Image: The Star

Two women have been arrested after they were found in possession of illicit liquor in Athi River, Machakos County.

The duo, aged 26 and 28 years respectively were arrested during a swoop by officers from Athi River police station on Friday.

Athi River South subcounty police commander Jos Mudavadi told the Star that the two were found selling the second generation liquor in two separate bars.

The matter was reported to Athi River police station as a raid and seizure of counterfeit alcoholic drinks on Friday at 4.23 pm.

“An operation on illicit liquor was conducted within Athi River Township by officers from Athi River police station who were acting on a tip-off. They seized two crates of counterfeited liquor of two different brands,” Mudavadi said.

The Police commander said the officers carried the scan on barcodes and QR codes of the brands in question but neither could scan.

“During the swoop, police arrested the bar operators aged 26 and 28 years respectively,” Mudavadi said.

The police boss said the two had been detained at the same station awaiting arraignment in Mavoko Law Courts.

He said they had launched investigations into the incident as they continue with the operations to eliminate illicit trade in the subcounty.

The incident happened three days after a similar one targeting illicit brew was conducted in Matungulu subcounty on Tuesday.

More than 480 litres of illicit brew was destroyed during the operations.

The brew was poured and destroyed in brewing dens along Katine River in Ngomeni, Matungulu subcounty.

The operations conducted by members of the public were presided over by Matungulu deputy county commissioner Everline Wekesa and area subcounty police commander Peter Omondi.

Nacada officials also participated in the three–hour operations.

Several 20-litre jerricans of kangara were recovered hidden in holes made by chang’aa brewers along the river.

The security team also discovered that illegal sand harvesting was also taking place in the river.

No arrests were made during the operations since the culprits vanished on noticing more than 300 residents accompanied by police officers and other local leaders.

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