Kindiki puts cultural extremists in Kiambu, Murang'a on notice

The CS said once investigations are done, culprits will be prosecuted in accordance with the law

In Summary
  • To curb such practices, Kindiki ordered for the immediate closure of premised in Kiambi and Murang'a counties used as hideouts by criminal gangs.
  • Kindiki highlighted that the government respects religion and culture of all communities.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has taken the war against cultural extremists in Kiambu and Murang'a counties.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki speaking during a church service at St. Andrews ACK Ndenderu, Kiambaa Constituency in Kiambu County on October 8, 2023
Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki speaking during a church service at St. Andrews ACK Ndenderu, Kiambaa Constituency in Kiambu County on October 8, 2023
Image: MINA

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has taken the war against cultural extremists in Kiambu and Murang'a counties.

Speaking in Kiambu on Sunday, the CS revealed that criminal gangs are hiding behind culture, terrorising women.

To curb such practices, Kindiki ordered for the immediate closure of premises in Kiambu and Murang'a used as hideouts by criminal gangs.

In Kiambu, the CS mentioned Githunguri and Ndumbiri as places normally used as hideouts by these gangs.

"Kuna wahalifu ambao wanajificha katika jamii na kuanza kueneza mambo maovu sanasana ukeketaji ya wasichana na wamama wazee Tumetoa amri kwa vikosi vyetu vya usalama hapa Kiambu na Murang'a wafunge mahali ambazo wanatumia kujificha nyuma ya jamii," Kindiki said.

This loosely translates to: There are criminals who are hiding behind the Kikuyu culture committing evil crimes such as Female Genital Mutilation. Our security officers in Kiambu and Murang'a are directed to immediately close down all premises used by these criminals hiding behind culture.

The Interior boss revealed that leaders have already recorded statements and once investigations are completed, the culprits will be prosecuted in accordance with the law

He highlighted that the government respects the religion and culture of all communities but no one will be spared if they use that as an excuse to commit crimes and terrorise people.

"Nobody should be spared when found culpable. We respect the culture of all communities in Kenya but will not allow people to hide behind culture to propagate FGM and other backward, primitive and harmful practices against the children and women of Kenya. The law and Constitution doesn't allow that," Kindiki said.

The CS had given terrorists and criminal gangs three options as the government affirms its fight against crime.

Kindiki said that the government will not relent on its plans to fight terrorism, banditry and cattle rustling.

"Kama rais alisema mambo ni matatu, ata mimi naambia magaidi mambo ni matatu. Wawachane na ugaidi, wahame Kenya warudi kwao ama tutawasafirisha safari ya one way," he said.

"Na si safiri ya kwenda na gari , ni ya kwenda hadi wafikie jehanamu."

This loosely translates to: Just like our President said, the are three. I also say there are three options for terrorists, they either stop terrorism,  relocate from Kenya and go home or we will send them to hell."

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