ODM: Deployment of police to Haiti is ill-advised, undermines Pan-Africanism

The party says the move contradicts constitutional mandate outlined in article 244.

In Summary
  • ODM has urged the government to prioritise addressing the prevailing security issues in the country.
  • The party expressed anxiety about the effectiveness of past interventions in Haiti, emphasising that efforts by powerful nations have yielded little progress.
ODM secretary general Edwin Sifuna addressing the media at Orange House headquarters in Nairobi
ODM secretary general Edwin Sifuna addressing the media at Orange House headquarters in Nairobi

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has strongly criticised the decision to assign Kenyan police officers to lead the Multinational Security Support mission in Haiti.

ODM said that the decision is unwise, opportunistic, and contrary to the ideals of Pan-Africanism.

"We believe that the decision to deploy Kenya's police officer to head the MSS Mission in Haiti is ill-advised, opportunistic and undermines the spirit of Pan- Africanism," ODM said in a statement on Thursday.

The Raila Oding-led party said the move contradicts the constitutional mandate outlined in article 244.

"Kenya's National Police is established under article 244 of the constitution  to enforce national security and does not possess an external mandate."

ODM has urged the government to prioritise addressing the prevailing security issues in the country, particularly in regions like Sondu, Lamu, the North Rift, along the Somali border, and within the Lake Victoria island, before diverting resources to Haiti.

The party expressed anxiety about the effectiveness of past interventions in Haiti, emphasising that efforts by powerful nations have yielded little progress.

Additionally, ODM acknowledged Haiti's historical significance as the first black nation to gain independence from colonial rule.

"We acknowledge Haiti's historical significance as the first black nation to regain its independence from colonial forces," ODM said.

ODM has called on members of parliament to oppose the deployment of Kenyan police officers to Haiti if the matter is brought before the legislative body.

"We call upon members of the parliament to oppose the deployment of our men and women in uniform to Haiti."

The National Police Service has begun the selection process of officers to be deployed for the Haiti peace mission.

A signal to all platoons within the General Service Unit (GSU) requires that names of officers to be considered for the assignment be submitted "urgently."

"The unit is in the process of selection exercise of suitable officers for a special assignment," the circular dated October 7 reads in part.

"In view of this, you are urgently required to submit names of officers."

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