High Court to issue judgment on Ivy Wangeci's murder case next week

Naftali Kinuthia is accused of murdering Ivy Wangechi in Eldoret on April 9, 2019.

In Summary
  • Over 20 witnesses testified in the case.
  • Naftali remembered getting an axe from his car to attack Ivy but noted that he was not himself during the events that followed leading to Ivy’s death.
  • Ivy Wangeci's murder: Court to issue judgment next week
Naftali Kinuthia testifying at the High Court in Eldoret on March 3, 2023
Naftali Kinuthia testifying at the High Court in Eldoret on March 3, 2023
Image: FILE

The High Court will next week issue a judgement against Naftali Kinuthia the man who hacked to death medical student Ivy Wangeci in Eldoret four years ago.

Justice Reuben Githinji was to deliver the judgement today (Thursday) but said it was not ready until October 26, 2023.

Justice Githinji who presided over the hearing of the case in Eldoret has since been moved to Malindi but was to issue the verdict virtually.

Family members for both Naftali and the deceased were in Eldoret for the judgement when they were informed of the postponement to next week.

Naftali's mother Nancy Kinuthia who was present at the court said she had allowed God to take control of everything.

"We all submit to God and he knows everything,"  she told journalists outside the court.

The suspect had been brought to court to hear his fate but was returned to prison until next week.

Naftali is accused of murdering Wangechi outside the Moi Referral Hospital in Eldoret on April 9, 2019.

Over 20 witnesses testified in the case.

When he took to the dock in March this year to defend himself, Kinuthia confessed to killing Wangechi over a love relationship gone sour.

He said he regretted the incident and that he was overwhelmed by anger.

Naftali remembered getting an axe from his car to attack Ivy but noted that he was not himself during the events that followed leading to Ivy’s death.

“Looking back, I regret what I did. Even though I was hurting there were other ways I would have used to resolve our differences,” he said.

Naftali said he acted after seeing her long-time friend and intimate lover hugging another man on her birthday when he had travelled all the way from Nairobi to Eldoret to wish her happy birthday and had even paid Sh14,000 for the birthday party.

Naftali narrated how the incident happened when he gave his final defence evidence in the murder case before Justice Githinji.

He said he had travelled to Eldoret on the material day to personally wish Ivy a happy birthday even though their relationship was estranged and that she had blocked his phone for some time making it impossible for him to reach her.

He says he tried severally to reconcile their differences and communicated to her through a friend identified as Mary Ann Chepkoech. He had asked Chepkoech to convince Ivy that they meet and talk out but it did materialize.

Earlier he said Ivy had informed her about the birthday and that she needed Sh28,000 to host a party.

She requested him to help her with the cash and Kinuthia sent her Sh14,000 promising to deliver the balance on April 10th which was her birthday.

Later, she blocked him and he on April 4, travelled to Eldoret without informing her.

Efforts to have them sort out their differences failed because she refused to meet him.

He travelled to Eldoret in his car and went to the medical school where he packed his car and decided to locate Ivy physically.

“I wanted to wish her happy birthday and also inform her that I would not attend the party because I was to travel back to Nairobi immediately for work.

"I also wanted to deliver the balance for the party personally," Naftali said.

While near the hostels she saw Ivy and went to meet her. Ivy was surprised to see him and immediately informed him that her new boyfriend would take care of the cost of the birthday party.

“She told me that I was not invited to the party and that I should immediately leave. I was so shocked by what she was saying. At that point I didn't even answer I knew she had burned all the bridges and there was no way I would restore our relationship," he said.

He said it became apparent that she had ignored him and wanted nothing to do with him

“In my mind, I felt like a loser and hopeless because of what she said. I became angry and felt bad that the connection we had since 1998 had suddenly come to an end,” he said.

At that point, I went back to my car and decided would never talk to her again.

As he was getting into the car he looked back and saw her hugging and holding hands with a male friend around 50 meters away.

He had never seen the man she was hugging but later came to know he was Andrew Macharia

“At that point, I lost control and was too angry because of what was happening before me. I wasn't myself again and can't tell how I decided to pick the axe and attack her," he said.

He said the axe had been in his car for over a year and he had bought it for his own security because of working at night many times.

He was then an employee of Pevans East Africa which operates the Sportpesa betting firm.

He said after the incident he was attacked by members of the public and beaten causing him to sustain many injuries and lose consciousness.

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