Missing in action: Raila, Kalonzo skip Mashujaa Day fete

All key opposition leaders gave the event in Karicho a wide berth.

In Summary
  • This is however not the first time the opposition leaders have skipped national celebrations since Ruto took power.
  • In June, the opposition was engaged in a political confrontation with the government.
Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka, Azimio Chief Principal Raila Odinga when they attended prayers in Kitui County on October 14, 2023.
Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka, Azimio Chief Principal Raila Odinga when they attended prayers in Kitui County on October 14, 2023.


Key opposition leaders including Azimio boss Raila Odinga skipped this year's Mashujaa Day national celebrations at Kericho Green Stadium.

However, unlike the last national celebrations of Madaraka Day held in Embu, Friday's event happened in an environment of national calmness and tranquillity.

In June, the opposition was engaged in a political confrontation with the government amid threats of mass action and protests over high cost of living.

Friday's celebrations also happened on the backdropped of renewed political engagements between the government and the opposition through the National Dialogue.

During Ruto's first national day fete on October 20, 2022 to mark Mashujaa Day, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka was the only opposition leader who attended the celebrations held at Uhuru Gardens, Nairobi.

Days to the celebrations, Raila had left the country on October 16, 2022, and headed to India.

This is however not the first time the opposition leaders have skipped national celebrations since Ruto took power.

Raila also skipped the Jamhuri Day fete on December 12, 2022, after jetting out of the country to the United States.

On Friday President Ruto led the nation in marking the 60th Mashujaa Day celebrations.

This is Ruto's fourth time that he led the country in marking National Day celebrations since he took office as President on September 13. 2022.

In his goodwill message to the country, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka said he looks forward to the next decade with the quality of opportunity where every Kenyan matters and every Kenyan's vote is of a consequence.

''To the brave men and women who changed world history forever under such harrowing circumstance and ensuring our hard-fought Independence against the greatest of odds; we continue to express our thanks and gratitude,'' he said on X platform.

" As we celebrate and acknowledge this 60th Mashujaa Day, may we also pause to reflect on our past and envision the future our forefathers wanted for our great Republic of Kenya."


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