UDA condoles with families of 4 Kericho stampede victims

"We equally pray for quick recovery for those who sustained injuries in the stampede."

In Summary

• UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala called on organisers to prioritise safety in future public events to avoid unnecessary loss of lives.

• He said it was sad lives were lost on a day Kenyans were supposed to show appreciation to our national heroes.

UDA Secretary General, Cleophas Malala during the coast delegates press conference at UDA offices on July 25, 2023.
UDA Secretary General, Cleophas Malala during the coast delegates press conference at UDA offices on July 25, 2023.
Image: FILE

The ruling United Democratic Alliance has condoled with the families of four women who lost their lives following a stampede at Kericho Green Stadium during Friday's Mashujaa Day celebrations. 

In a statement on Saturday, UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala called on organisers to prioritise safety in future public events to avoid unnecessary loss of lives.

He said it was sad lives were lost on a day Kenyans were supposed to show appreciation to our national heroes.

"Our condolences go to the families who lost their loved ones in the unfortunate incident. We pray that God comforts you and grants you the grace and strength to bear this grave loss. Poleni sana. May the souls of the departed rest in eternal peace," Malala said.

"We equally pray for quick recovery for those who sustained injuries in the stampede."

Police said the four passed away while undergoing treatment at the Kericho County Referral Hospital.

"Several people who wanted to gain entry to the stadium were injured and rushed to Kericho County Referral Hospital on board station motor vehicle and county government ambulances," police said.

"At the said hospital, four unknown females have been confirmed dead," the police said in a statement.

The Interior Ministry released another statement Friday evening saying 10 people were injured, slightly differing with 13 as quoted by police.

The ministry said among them were four civilians and six police officers.

One of the officers sustained a fracture on the right leg, another a cut wound on the right eye and the other had head injuries, police said.

Two Community Health Promoters, one being a man who injured his neck and a woman who sustained injuries on the back and left leg were among the civilian casualties.

The other victims suffered soft tissue injuries while others sustained injuries on their backs, legs, shoulder and chest.

Interior CS Kithure Kindiki appealed for calm as the ministry works to establish the circumstances that led to a stampede.

The CS said investigations will help ensure necessary measures are taken to prevent such incidents in the future.

"We deeply regret this unfortunate incident and and grieve with the families of those who lost their lives today (Friday). Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected and we send our best wishes for a quick recovery to all those who were injured," the statement read in part.

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