I won't stop fighting for rights of Kenyans – Raila

"Siwezi nyamaza. Nitazidi kuongea kwa niaba ya wakenya na kutetea haki za wananchi wa Kenya."

In Summary

• Raila said Kenya cannot be peaceful if things continue to be as they are.

• He cited the Mavoko demolitions that have left tens of homeowners homeless.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga with Kajiado Governor Joseph ole Lenku during interdenominational prayers in Kajiado on October 22, 2023.
Azimio leader Raila Odinga with Kajiado Governor Joseph ole Lenku during interdenominational prayers in Kajiado on October 22, 2023.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga has affirmed that he will not stop fighting for the rights of Kenyans.

Speaking during an interdenominational prayer service in Kajiado on Sunday, the former Prime Minister said the clergy in Kajiado had asked him not to keep quiet and he will not.

"Wameniambia nisinyamaze. Siwezi nyamaza. Nitazidi kuongea kwa niaba ya wakenya na kutetea haki za wananchi wa Kenya," Raila said.

(They have asked me not to keep quiet. I will continue speaking on behalf of Kenyans and defending the rights of Kenyans.)

The Opposition leader was responding to a call by the clergy at the interdenominational service who asked him to stop being quiet about the continued rise in the cost of living.

Raila was accompanied by Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka, Narc Kenya boss Martha Karua, DAP-K leader Eugene Wamalwa, Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Lenku, Usawa party boss Mwangi wa Iria and National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi and a host of other leaders.

Raila said Kenya cannot be peaceful if things continue to be as they are. He cited the Mavoko demolitions that have left tens of homeowners homeless.

He said schools, churches and hospitals were brought down during the demolitions by an administration that claims to be Christian.

The former Prime Minister noted that Kenyans have suffered more for the one year the Kenya Kwanza regime has been running affairs in the country.

"We will not let this continue," Raila affirmed.

He added that Kenyans shed blood to enjoy the freedom they have today, and their efforts should not go down the drain.

In his response to the clergy on their call for Raila to defend Kenyans, Kalonzo said it is time Kenyans made it a people driven affair and led anti-government protests themselves.

He said going forward, he will would not allow the Azimio leader to continue leading street demonstrations again.

"You have told us that Baba (Raila) should not be quiet and we will not be quiet. But let us not depend on Raila alone and say Kenyans must rise up and speak," Kalonzo said.

"You should not only wait for us to act. I will not allow Raila to return to the demonstrations. Let the country do it, not Raila and Kalonzo getting teargassed every other time," Kalonzo added.

Karua said she will have no qualms hitting the streets yet again should the ongoing bipartisan talks which informed the halting of the demos fail to bear fruits.

"My brother Kalonzo, I'm not saying I will not go to the streets. If it becomes necessary I will," she said.

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