Kuria: How I intend to transform Kenya School of Government

Top of the plan is to restore KSG as the Premier Center for Africa Research.

In Summary
  • Kuria emphasized that all new public servants undertake Kenya School of Government training prior to being absorbed into public service.
  • The Kenya School of Government is a Kenyan public service institution established by the KSG Act (No. 9 of 2012).
Public Service CS Moses Kuria giving his speech at the Kenya School of Government at Lower Kabete on October 26, 2023
Public Service CS Moses Kuria giving his speech at the Kenya School of Government at Lower Kabete on October 26, 2023
Image: KURIA/X

The government is keen on transforming and improving state institutions.

Public Service CS Moses Kuria on Thursday unveiled five pillars that he will initiate to transform the Kenya School of Government (KSG) into a modern institute and a center of excellence.

Kuria plans to introduce new courses for public servants from Job Group P and Job Group L

"To ensure that all public servants from Job Group P and above undertake the Strategic Leadership and Development Programme course while those from Job Group L and above undertake the Senior Management Course as a mandatory requirement," he said.

In addition to that, Kuria emphasised that all new public servants undertake KSG training prior to being absorbed into public service.

The CS plans to also re-establish KSG into the Africa Center for Productivity as well as partner with the African Union and re-establish KSG Africa School of Government as a center of training for public servants across Africa.

" I will also re-establish KSG as the institution to provide knowledge and expertise on matters of Climate Change and Green Finance,” Kuria noted.

Also top of the plan is to restore KSG as the Premier Center for Africa Research.

The Kenya School of Government is a Kenyan public service institution established by the KSG Act (No. 9 of 2012) to build capacity of the Public Service leadership by developing managerial and leadership competencies for a quality public service.

The institution offers consultancy, training, research and advisory services to government, non-government and private organizations in the areas of public policy development and management.

It was originally established in 1961 as a Public Service Management and Development Institute.

Public Service CS Moses Kuria giving his speech at the Kenya School of Government at Lower Kabete on October 26, 2023
Public Service CS Moses Kuria giving his speech at the Kenya School of Government at Lower Kabete on October 26, 2023
Image: KURIA/X

CS Kuria who recently took over the Ministry from Gender CS Aisha Jumwa said he was assuming the role of supervision from the President to ensure every public service and state cooperations work and perform to their performance contract.

He vowed that it wouldn't be business as usual for public servants as he warned that he had no time for laziness.

"I'm in town and am sounding warning to officers they must perform or waondoe jam," Kuria earlier said.

On Delivery management, Kuria stated that he will have a microscopic view of all projects done in this country be it National or County Governments.

He also said just like his boss, the CS will be following up on the progress of the government's projects and moving around the country ensuring all is well.

"We have no time to waste and everybody must be ready to work extra hard to make sure all these projects are completed on time. No time for laziness," Kuria added.

Public Service CS Moses Kuria planting a tree at the Kenya School of Government at Lower Kabete on October 26, 2023
Public Service CS Moses Kuria planting a tree at the Kenya School of Government at Lower Kabete on October 26, 2023
Image: KURIA/X
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