Emotional Mwangaza sheds tears as impeachment trial goes on

She reached for her handkerchief and wiped her tears while trying to find words to speak.

In Summary
  • Mwangaza is facing seven charges that formed grounds for her impeachment. She denied all the charges on Tuesday.
  • On the first charge, the governor is accused of misappropriation and misuse of public resources. 
Governor Kawira Mwangaza sheds tears during the hearing of her impeachment in the Senate on November 8, 2023.
Governor Kawira Mwangaza sheds tears during the hearing of her impeachment in the Senate on November 8, 2023.

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza could not hold back her tears at the Senate Assembly even as she staged a spirited bid to defend herself against impeachment charges.

The Governor is facing the Senate plenary for her impeachment trial.

Governor Mwangaza while being cross-examined by her lawyer, the governor visibly became moved, so much so, that she could not continue talking.

One of the instances that moved the governor was a video of MP Mpuru Aburi uttering unprintable words in the Meru language while holding a stick which he used to point around.

In the video, the MP was treated to a warm reception from the crowd who appeared to approve his message even as the MP continued attacking the governor.

In the video, the MP is heard saying that the governor should get pregnant by his current husband or else he will do it with a stick he is holding.

When asked what the leader was saying, the governor became emotional and paused for a moment as tears ran down her cheeks.

She reached for her handkerchief and wiped the tears off while trying to find words to speak.

After a few minutes, the governor tried to collect herself to speak but she said she was not able to explain.

However, she went ahead and explained what the MP was saying.

"He is saying he has given me 9 months to be pregnant and if that is not done. He will do it via what he is holding," Kawira said.

Mwangaza is facing seven charges that formed grounds for her impeachment. She denied all the charges on Tuesday.

On the first charge, the governor is accused of misappropriation and misuse of public resources. 

She is also accused of paying salaries and benefits to high-ranking officers without rendering any services to the county. 

The governor faced another charge of nepotism and unethical practices with the Assembly claiming she represented unqualified relatives as qualified technical staff for the inspection of medical equipment in China. 

The third charge is bullying, vilification and demeaning other county leaders with her problems with her deputy being filed as evidence. 

On the fourth charge, the governor is accused of illegal appointments and usurpation of statutory powers. 

The fifth charge is of being contempt of court while the sixth is illegally naming a public road after her husband.

The seventh charge is on contempt of the County Assembly. 

The impeachment case against Kawira is being heard in the Senate plenary. Mwangaza has since pleaded not guilty to seven charges against her.

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