Come let's work together! Mwangaza appeals to Meru leaders

"I call upon all Meru Leaders to embrace peace for the sake of Meru residents."

In Summary
  • Governor Mwangaza asked leaders to unite for the development of the county.
  • She made the remarks when touring Meru County for the first time after surviving the second impeachment.
Meru governor Kawira Mwangaza received by residents on November 10, 2023.
Meru governor Kawira Mwangaza received by residents on November 10, 2023.

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza has called on all leaders in the county to work together for the sake of development.

The call comes after the Governor survived the second impeachment at the Senate Assembly on Thursday.

The Governor on Friday crisscrossed the county of Meru ostensibly to celebrate her senate victory and mingle with residents.

In a Facebook post after the tour, the Governor appealed for peace even as she implored Meru leaders to unite for development.

She announced that she had resumed her normal duties after the protracted fight to save herself from impeachment.

"I am back to work to deliver. I call upon all Meru Leaders to embrace peace for the sake of Meru residents," she said.

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith Jehovah: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool."

Addressing the Senate Assembly on Wednesday night, an hour before the Senators voted against the seven charges she faced, Mwangaza pledged to unite the people of Meru if given a second chance.

"I was elected as an independent governor, I know I need MCAs. I have tried my best and continue to try my best to see that I work with everyone," she said.

"No one is an angel, I am not an angel every one of us has weaknesses. It is my prayer to God that the weaknesses they may have, God will help me so that we work together as a team and make Meru people happy."

The Governor at the same time asked for forgiveness from anyone she had wronged in an apparent display of readiness to turn over a new leaf as far as the relationship with Meru leaders is concerned.

“I pray to God to give me more energy and grace…na Mungu anipe kuvumilia kwingi to see the people of Meru happy. The Members of Parliament, our dear Deputy Senator of this House, the MCAs, Deputy Speaker…if I have wronged anyone of you, forgive me,” Kawira said.

Senator on Thursday trashed seven charges facing Mwangaza overwhelmingly giving her another chance to serve her people.

"The result of the division indicates the senate has not upheld any of the charges. Therefore, the Senate has failed to remove from office the governor by impeachment. The governor accordingly continues to hold office," Speaker Amason Kingi said while announcing the official results of the voting exercise.

Among the charges she faced included misappropriation and misuse of resources, nepotism, bullying, illegal appointments, contempt of court, and naming a road after her husband illegally.

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